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okay so they are going to the moon, like in the kind of canon, but instead of death n shit nobody is dying and NASA just decided to send a bunch of teens to the moon. but tsumugay is still there doing evil shit.


NASA was loading up their huge space school dome for takeoff, and workers were pouring shitloads of fuel into the tank. like a lot of fuel. they were sending these middle scoolers to space.

kaede and her gf iruma were selected for the space mission to the moon.

kaede was excited to be part of such a big important project and that she would contribute to society in such a big way. iruma was happy because she wanted to kill aliens.

iruma was already loading her gun, while kaede was packing two big bags full of stuff and five smaller ones, also full of stuff.

iruma had one bag, full of clothes, water bottles, her video gaymes and also rat poison. 

soon they were ready to go. they went to the NASA headquarters and dropped their bags off. the only other student there right now was kaito, who had shaved himself bald in a drunken rage and was now naked and crying on the floor.

kaede decided to ignore him. iruma handed the little bitch a bottle of rat poison. he clutched it in his hands and said nothing. 

then all the students were there.

generic nasa worker stepped up. "we have gathered you grade schoolers here today so you can go to space and have a good time. the trip to the moon will take four days."

that's probably not how long it takes to go to the moon but whatever.

a whole buncha NASA workers tossed the kindergarteners onto the space school dome.

"k bye."

then it started to take off.

nasa worker number 69 said into a walk talkie, "alright, mission clear, the preschoolers have been launched away.

kaede and iruma held hands while the dome thing blasted off. kaede touched the iruma tiddy and iruma blushed while holding her gun.

"we are so lucky." said kaede.

they looked at the surrounding ppl. bald kaito was still naked and maki was trying to get the rat poison away from him. kaito screamed. "shut up you little bitch" maki slapped him and unscrewed the poison and then ate the fucking lid. 

so these toddlers surely were having fun.


tsumugay was trotting around the school grounds doing evil shit. "they have no idea." she evilly clapled her hands. "that i am evil!!!!"

ok time skip they are at the moon.

all the babies were gathered in one room. they didn't say anything but then tsumugay spoke up. "you fools!!!" she screamed while doing her evil dance.

"while you unsuspecting newborns were eating rat poison lids, i tweaked the system! i can open the door to the outer space!" 

the fetuses gasped! if you opened the door to space you would fucking die "hold me iruma!" kaede cried and jumped into her arms. iruma pulled out her loaded gun. "i got this, babe." she said in a cool gangster voice.

she aimed at tsumugay and pulled the trigger. it only shot rat poison lids at her.

"LOL" said tsumugay and opened the moon door. everyone waited for death, but it never came. tsumugay looked and saw that the sperm cells weren't dying and that the dome had apparently landed perfectly on some inconspicuous facility

it was the vlr facility lol

"What the fuck" said sigma, "kyle bring me my fucking gun"

And then he shot them all and they died the end

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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irumatsu but they goes to space bitchWhere stories live. Discover now