Fluffs: A Guide

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What is a Fluff?
A Fluff is small creature with soft hair and a reclusive demeanour. Fluffs can be found anywhere, but identifying a Fluff is difficult. They can be identified by their hair (soft and fluffy, typically covering part of face and often an atypical colour) and their tendency to hide away from others of their kind and they often are depressed, anxious, and/or angry. After gaining the trust of your Fluff, ask them if they are okay with you touching them. Once you have their permission and trust, you may proceed with the care of your Fluff. Below are some helpful tips (in no particular order) to maximize the bonding with your Fluff.

1. Make sure your Fluff is safe and comfy
An uncomfortable or scared Fluff is often frightening. Their intelligence combined with willingness to bite makes them scary foes. Fluffs will often insist they can defend themselves (and they often can very well), knowing that someone wants to protect and help them adds reassurance, though try not to be too imposing or controlling, and try not to add to their problems by being completely inept.

2. Find your Fluff
Locate your Fluffs hiding places and their preferred domain to sleep, eat, and spend time alone, as well as where they choose to go when they want to be educated or be social. After locating your Fluff, know their boundaries and enter their safe rooms only when invited. They may be your Fluff but courtesy matters, they are your friend after all.

3. Hug your Fluff
Make sure your Fluff gets lots of hugs. This builds their trust in you and increases oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, which will improve both of your moods and increase bonding. Be aware that if your Fluff is a dominant Fluff, and Kinky Fluff, or just feels like it, they may bite you. They probably won't do it out of anger, but out of love because of the aforementioned reasons.

4. Make sure Fluff is well fed
Some Fluffs ignore their personal needs in favour of entertainment, or might choose to eat more junk food than actual food. Make sure your Fluff gets enough proper food. If your Fluff can gather food for itself or knows what it should eat and how much, you need not worry about this step.

5. Comfort your Fluff
Fluffs often have anxiety, depression, and/or other mental health problems. If your Fluff is struggling with them, let them know that you're there for them and you want o do whatever you can. Now, don't get it in your head that you can fix your Fluff, because you can't. Fluffs need to be loved and supported so they can rise above their issue. It may not leave, but with love and care they can learn to live with it instead.

6. Make sure Fluff is happy
Everyone likes being happy, but some Fluffs don't know how or give up their own for others. Your Fluff needs to know they deserve happiness too, and need to relax now and then so they can obtain it.

7. Know what they like and dislike
Fluffs have varied tastes and interests, and knowing them is a large step in making sure your Fluff is happy.

8. Make sure your Fluff has sweet tunes to listen to
Fluffs like music. Make sure they have some, not only to help them if they need to take a minute, but also if they wanna rock out or want background noise.

9. Make sure your Fluff is well rested
Fluffs are terrible when tired, but they usually are out of reliance on coffee and/or staying up all night in favour of entertainment. Fluffs are happiest when well rested.

10. Fluff must have friends
Fluffs often like the company of certain people, so let them have their free time with people they like. You are one of your Fluffs friends too, but sometimes they want to hang out with other people and you have to respect that. You don't own them, they are simply your friend. Who you happen to call "my Fluff".

11. Be gentle
Some Fluffs can take quite a beating, but that doesn't mean you should hurt them. If you do accidentally hurt them, try and make it up to them. Loosing the trust of a Fluff means that you are going to have a hard time or can't get it back, but physical pain is easier to forgive (unless it's abuse. In which case you should be shamed for hurting them and they have all the right to leave you). wishes, needs, and choices. You don't own your Fluff, they are your friend. Hopefully your best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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