¿Chäptēr 8?

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We stopped at a small Convenient store and all of us change to our PJ's i decided to wear a Blue Unicorn Onesie
and my Narwhal Slippers i went out and then the boys started to pinch my cheeks.
Seungkwan:So Cute!
Dino:I'm Cuter!
Jeonghan:Dino Nugu Aegi?
Dino:Jeonghan Hyung's Aegi

i laughed at them...

Jeonghan:Lee-Anne,Won Woo's Arm Must be Soft~

i'm Still Not in the process i Yawn and rub my eyes.


i Hummed still not processing then i looked at Won Woo he had Pink Ears i finally processed


he started Running and i throw him my Narwhal Slippers at him until i stop running feeling sleepy he went to me and put my slippers on i raise my arms to him and rub my arms he carried me like a baby and Fall asleep again in his lap like a little baby while JeongYeon Unnie is Driving...

~Jeonghan's POV~
Lee-Anne Fall asleep in my lap like a baby i took a picture of here and post it on Instagram...

'Caption:Our Little Baby Unicorn is asleep already'

then suddenly Won Woo,Vernon and Joshua Took a picture of her what the hell is going on?

we reached our destination...it's a hotel and yah...in my room i'm sleeping with Jeonghan oppa and Sanha and i don't know what's there sleeping arrangements...

~Next Day~

It's sunday morning and rain is falling..

i'm looking out the window while there asleep my bed is beside the window...

Good thing i brought my guitar with me...But i left it last night in...
Won Woo's Room and I'm going there so I can get my guitar...
i walked out and went to his room i knock on it then he open.

Won Woo:Oh..Lee-Anne why are you here?
Lee-Anne:I'll Just Get my Guitar.
Won Woo:Okay i'll get it for you..

he went in and grab my guitar then suddenly he pecked my lips and closed the door i run to my unnie's room and knock fast then they open it and they pulled me inside.i lock the door and sit on the bed with red cheeks

JeongYeon:Let me guess did Won Woo or Vernon or Joshua or MJ or Eun Woo
Kissed you?

I nodded and did a W with my hands.
they kept smirking and poke my sides

Lee-Anne:Let me explain

they Keep a teasing smile and i started explaining until Jeonghan screamed


i face palm and went to our room and saw all the boys there They look at me and Jeonghan Oppa pinch my ear while Sanha took my guitar.

Jeonghan:I told you to tell me where to go when your going to leave i don't want to loose another baby-

Sanha closed his mouth and he let go of me.
Lee-Anne:What do you mean?

Cliffhanger it's another chapter

Jeonghan's Little sister II H.JS,J.WW,HV.CWhere stories live. Discover now