Chapter 17-Ward

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Roe quickly finished her shower, got out and dressed in the clothes the military guys had given her. As she had assumed, it was a set of camouflage fatigues with a solid brown undershirt. Well, they don't fit the best in the world, but they aren't as conspicuous as my clothes would be. These are obviously men's because they're tight across the breast and baggy everywhere else. I think I'm going to leave off the camo shirt, and just wear the undershirt. It fits better. At least the pants will stay up and aren't falling down around my ankles. I wasn't really expecting fatigues. I was expecting more like a pair of sweats when I asked for clothes. She shook her head. Beggars can't be choosers, my dad always said.

When Roe walked into Adrian's room, the two men were arguing over how to escape. "What have y'all come up with so far?"

The both turned to look at her, having only noticed that she was in the room when she spoke.

"He wants to stay here and wait for an opportunity to try to hypnotize one of the guards, and get them to let us out." Shane told her angrily. "That'll take forever."

"Your idea's not any better. You want to try to break the door down and run, killing everyone that gets in our way." Adrian argued.

"Okay, settle down guys. There are problems with both of your ideas."

"Yeah, like what?" Shane snapped at her.

"Shane, how are you going to get the chains off of you both?"

He looked at her slightly stunned. "I don't know yet, but doing something is better than sitting here waiting for them to kill us."

"They're not wanting to kill us." Roe reminded him patiently. "They want us to experiment on humans and make a hybrid, so they're not going to get rid of us until we fail a couple of times. Also, did it ever occur to you that I can't run like y'all can? Even if we managed to get you out of those chains, and even out of this facility, I can't keep up with you. One of you would have to carry me, which would impede your fighting abilities."

Shane thought sullenly for a while. "I guess you're right. I didn't think about you. I'm used to everyone around me being a wolf."

"You're not used to having a human around."

"Yeah, you're right about that."

"So, we go with my plan." Adrian said smugly.

"Not necessarily." Roe said, thoughtfully. "I know you can hypnotize, but how close do you have to be to them, and how far away can they go before it wears off?"

"I have to be able to clearly see their eyes, and it doesn't wear off." He said smugly.

"I'm sure there are instances where it wears off." Roe said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, if it's something that goes against their character, like kill themselves, then yes sometimes it does. But that's not often."

"Okay, well I don't think that the guard that's stationed outside the door has the keys we'll need. I'm pretty sure he has the outer door key, but I doubt he'd have the keys to your chains, and we'll need those too."

"I could make him go get them."

"Wouldn't that fall under something that went against his character? To release prisoners?"

"Maybe, but I could probably reinforce it enough that he'd do it anyway." Adrian replied smugly.

"What if another guard stopped him and asked him what he was doing? If that didn't snap him out of it, the other guard would stop him."

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