The True Tail of Samurai Mouse

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  • Dedicated to My Mom (Who helped me write this poem)

As I was sniffing through the library one dark night

Carefully avoiding the cat (for eat me he might!)

Up on the table I glimpsed an open book

I’m such fan of reading, I had to take a look

The tale the book told was quite hair raising

I learned of Japanese warriors who were quite amazing!

They were fierce and skilled, and could strike like a torpedo

But they lived a life of honor under their code of bushido

As I read of these warriors from ancient Japan

I thought and I thought and I came up with a plan

From a mouse who searches at night for a crumb

To a Samurai Warrior I must become!

The first step I will take is the reverence I must show

To the elder mice who I hardly know

I asked for their blessing to seek a life of risk and honor

They granted it, but whispered “I think he’s a goner”

I set out to prove that a mouse like me can change

My bad habits of old, I will exchange!

I studied and practiced and worked hard to learn

The skills of these warriors for whom I yearn

After years of practice a Samurai I became

In deed and honor and even in name

Immediately I had a chance to show I was polite

By holding the door for a wee lass, so slight

As she sauntered by, I saw that mean cat

I raced to protect the wee lass from that

I used my sword to chop off the tip of his nose,

The lass cried out, “Sir, how your bravery shows”

Perhaps you will think I was not in my right mind

When I gave the cat a bandaid, just to be kind

He thanked me and said that I was quite benevolent

And the world would be better if that trait were more prevelant

I had to be honest and tell him the truth,

I was not always so kind in the days of my youth

The mice were jubilant for the cat was now maimed

He was meek and mild and really quite tamed

They wanted revenge, but I said that wouldn’t be right

Let justice be done, let him live without fright

For even a fierce warrior should be loyal with pride 

By staying true to himself, to what is inside

For we are a better micedom when we do the right thing

My learnings of Bushido to this society I bring

So now we live in peace with the Siamese,

Honoring the code of the ancient Japanese

And now my story ends, the tale is told . . .

But we’ll continue to honor the traditions of old.

(OR I’ll see you in the bookstore where this story is sold)

Authors Note:

I wrote this poem for an English assignment (with alot of help from my mom) and I worked really hard on it I hope you enjoyed it!

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