The Second Week Away

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The first week without seeing Bram ended leaving me feeling heartbroken and lonely. I have other people to talk to but it's different. Leah is one of my closest friends but it'd be super weird if I started making out with her instead of Bram. I'm a teenage boy. I have needs. And then there's Abby who is Leah's girlfriend. Abby is so chill. So chill that you can hardly have a serious conversation with her. Nick is my other best friend. He's always busy with soccer so there is no chance of a long conversation with him. And that's it. I know other people but I'm just not close enough with any of them. I badly want to call Bram. Just to hear his voice. We didn't speak at all yesterday or the day before. I hate this. I hate being away from him. 

"Ugh," I say as the phone goes straight to voicemail. I leave a message for him. "Hey, babe. It's Si. Just saying hi. Okay, that's it I guess. So let me know when you get this. I miss you. Mwah!"

I lay down on my bed and shut my eyes. I need some Elliott Smith right now. But not his music. His shirt. I get and start shuffling through my dresser. Most of my clean clothes are in an unfolded pile on the floor but not this shirt. It's too special. Bram gave it to me a little before we started dating and I slept with it under my pillow for a long time. It's not weird, it's sweet. 

I slid off my shirt and replaced it with the Elliott Smith one. I looked at myself in the mirror. I like it. I really really like it. It might just be the best shirt ever made. Just then, my phone rings and I practically fly over to my desk to answer it. It's Bram. Finally. 

"Bram!" I say a little to energetically. It's beyond exciting to hear his voice after all this time. I guess all this time is only a few days but still. 

"Hey, sorry I missed your call. I was at the beach with Mina and Cassie."

"Oh," I say. "You guys are, like, friends now?"


"Cool. So when do you think I can see you? Do you have any time this weekend? I'm free so maybe I can drive up there. And maybe Abby will come and she can see her cousins and stuff."

"Yes! Please come this weekend! I miss kissing you," he says. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who misses that. 

"Okay cool. So I'll drive up Friday?"

"Sounds great Babe. See you then. Mwah!" Bram hangs up the phone. I called Abby so see if she could come with me. 

"Hey Simon," she says.

"Want to take a trip with me this weekend? I'm going up to Columbia to visit Bram and apparently Cassie and Mina go to school there."

"Yeah, sounds great. Should I meet you at your house on Friday morning so we can drive during the day?"

"Yeah, like noon." I say.

"Okay. I have to go. Leah's calling." She says. Abby hangs up the phone. Leah and Abby are one of those couples where they are almost always too busy to see each other in person but Skype for multiple hours everyday. I wish Bram and I Skyped that much. Or at all frankly.

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