1- Perfect

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"Darling are'nt you gorgeous?" My mom told me as she gave me one last look before heading towards the door

" Mom, you told  me a million times already" i chuckled and she gave me a wink before i saw her back dissappear as the door closed

I breathe deeply and exhaled

" You can do this Scarlet. There's nothing to be afraid of." I smiled at my reflection

I have a pair of grey eyes and a bronde hair. I inherited them from my mom but everyone says that i looked like my dad.

Me smiling at my reflection was interrupted when i heard a knock on my door.

"My love are you done?"

My heart skipped a beat when i heard his voice.

He never fails to make me feel butterflies in my stomach everytime i hear his voice.

"Come in" i told him with a hint of unhidden excitement

He opened the door and he never fails to amaze me.

His perfect jawline. That clean cut beard, that perfect brush up hair. He' so perfect.

" hey love. You're at it again" he smiled then kissed me

I laced both of my hands in his neck and his kisses went deeper. We were almost breathless when we stopped.

" wow. You're so beautiful" he whispered and kissed my hair

"Mm. You're delicious..uhm i mean gorgeous" I told him absentmindedly. I was still in a daze after our long passionate kiss

He chuckled

"Oh you naughty princess, come now. Our guests are waiting" he brushed my cheek with his fingers and held me guiding me towards the door

I hear the noises coming from the outside garden of the mansion

"Oh! Here they are ladies and gentlemen. The future Mr and Mrs. Lynch!" The emcee roared and the crowd applauded

Today was our engagement party. Clayton Lynch , my boyfriend for six years proposed to me a week ago. I can never imagine that my life was so perfect. My family is so perfect, I have my dad who spoils me and my mom who supports me and my little baby brother who gives me energy if i'm having a bad day , and a sexy hot gorgeous handsome boyf--fiance. I couldnt ask for more.

As we descended the stairs we were greeted by dad's business partners that i can only name a few. And my fiance's business partners are there too. They all congratulated us and they talked and talked about business so i excused myself since i am not interested in that topic.

I was headed for the punch area when a hand grabbed me harshly and i saw this drunk woman. She's beautiful but she's drunk.

"Ow.!what do you think you're doing?!" I asked her irritated

"You think your life is perfect?! " she hissed and starred me with daggers in her eyes

"Ouch!whats your problem!let go!" I shouted and people started to notice us

" smile all you want! But i swear this is just temporary!" She hissed again which made me nervous and afraid

" what are you doing?!" Clay suddenly grabbed her and pushed her away from me. He wrapped me in his embrace

" c-clay.. i i just want to.." the woman stuttered as she tries to explain to clayton

" you know her????" I asked confused

" no love. Shes just one of that desperate woman who wants my attention" Clayton snapped his hands and immediately the guards grabbed the drunk woman

She desperately begged Clay for forgiveness.

Dark Angel's Revenge: Sweet turned Beautiful disasterWhere stories live. Discover now