Neji VS Argies:

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The Cheering from the crowds died down as the opening of the first match began.

The ref prompter Genma Shiranui opened with the usual rules and formality. "The rules for this match are the same as for the preliminary Chunin exams; meaning no summoning jutsus, no suicide Jutsus and no forbidden jutsus. A match can be ended at any time either by forfeit, by the intervention of your Sensei or the Hokage himself." His voice echoing up through the crowds, enhanced by an area effect jutsu placed over the battle arena. The chakra humming in the air was not for the benefit of the prompter alone, but for combatants who needed to be heard, for this was more than just a battle, it was a test of tact, skill and of character. A contest that would determine which village would govern the most trade of mission assignments and earn the approval of clients.

Nevertheless to the contestants only one question held true in their minds. "Am I better than my opponent?"


Argies thoughts stirred up great storms within his mind while he stared across the grassy field of battle at his opponent. Like winds cast from Tengu (heavenly spirit) the two opponents, Argies and Neji, stood with rolling gusts blowing dust through their path of victory. With only the sound of the winds the two Genin waited for the first to act, watchful for any sign or motion of the battle's beginning, while in their minds and hearts they were fierce in combat already.

'Neji, I've heard so many things about him' Argies mind listed off the qualities of his opponent. '...the recluse, yet they go to him for help and sometimes even training, more of a master of mind although I have heard him to be a talent of ability as well.' He gulped and quoted off philosophy. ''Like minds fair better in battle for they share ambition and strive in defeat'. I will defeat you Neji... you and those Byakugan eyes.'


Three minutes into the battle, with kunai cast off to the test of each ninja's abilities, Argies stood back in thought once again.

'My chakra's burning up trying to defend against his attacks. In training I triggered my gentle dance just before my Aunt's attack, but then released the ability before it burnt up more of my energy, but this guy, he's moving before I can react. This form wasn't made to be maintained for long periods, but I can't tell when his going to strike. I need a different strategy and I better come up with one quick. I can't just hold him off, I need to do some damage of my own.'


While Argies struggled to adapt to the battle's new conditions, formulating strategies he never needed before, against a rival too fast, Neji similarly confronted the challenges of his test.

'I've never encountered this technique before, the moves of my opponent Argies are beyond compare; his movements are so fluid.' Neji arched a punch at Argies and though his fist met only air he could not help appreciate the art form in his opponents escape. 'His body drifts way from my attacks as if he were a leaf and I the breeze.' Narrowing his vision he spurned his love for his opponent. 'This is beginning to become tedious; none of my attacks are making contact, not even my Kunai.... What is this?! Something has changed.'

Forming his thoughts into word Neji spoke. "Your efforts in avoiding injury struggle to defeat me." Argies paused for a moment, considering, "Have you no problems with attacking me, then, attack me!" Neji throw off his kunai as effortlessly as he throw off insults, delicate yet at the same time accurate, cutting deep

"Hasn't anyone ever taught you 'defence does nothing to secure victory'?" He smirked at Argies refusal to reply to his quote, his verses from the Academy teachings "You're only postponing the inevitable, everyone already knows I have won this match." Neji kept composed and stood as if to affirm his argument.

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