Chapter 12: Epilogue

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Obito and Nabuto grew it seemed too quick. The people of the town were a little more kind to them than they had been to Naruto, but anyone that's different still tends to breed suspicion occasionally. Keiko's presence at the academy put most of the kids at ease about her sons.

Keiko would take the boys to visit Gaara in the Sand now that they were older since he was often busy when they weren't coordinating missions. Keiko knew it must be frustrating for Nabuto and she went back and forth on whether they should have told him.

"Okaa-san?" Nabuto asked. "Why do Nii-san and I have different fathers? And why do we look different from the other kids?"

Keiko sighed. She hoped she didn't have to explain this until they were older. Obito was listening in intensively on the conversation and Keiko gestured him over to sit next to them on the couch.

"Before you two were born. Obito's father and I were supposed to be married. We thought he died on a mission. The villages wanted someone from the Leaf to marry Nabuto's father so we could join our villages together and they chose me. We found out Kakashi was still alive after I already cared deeply for your father," she said, turning to Nabuto. "It was very difficult for me. They tried to find a way to make it work, but it's just not possible to devote that level of love to more than one person. Gaara wanted me to be happy and let me go. I didn't find out until later but I got pregnant with both of you...about the same time," she said evasively.

"So you didn't love my dad?" Nabuto asked as his face fell.

"I did, and still do, love him very much. That's why we all stayed such good friends. And then the best thing happened to us when you two were born. We wouldn't change any of it for the world," Keiko said as she pulled them both into a hug.

"We're not little kids anymore " complained Obito as he struggled against her snuggles. They both seemed to forget all about looking different in that moment.

Yamato had grown an extra room for the boys within their quarters so they had their own space. Kakashi stood hidden just outside of it, watching his wife and his boys. The best thing that ever happened to him indeed, he thought smiling.

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Reverberations (Kakashi x OC, Gaara x OC) -- Book 3Where stories live. Discover now