Faida is depressing

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Tyson sits alone at the kitchen table. The house is quiet, as mostly everyone is out together. Faida enters and looks through the fridge, but grabs nothing before turning towards Tyson and leaning her back against it.

FAIDA: Do you ever feel like there's not a person in the world who loves you?

TYSON: (He hesitates, not expecting Faida to lay such a heavy question on him, let alone talk to him.) I think that's something that we have in common. Neither of us will be missed.

FAIDA: Yeah. I suppose so.

TYSON: Well. You'd be missed.

FAIDA: I was thinking the same for you.

TYSON: Shut up.

FAIDA: No, really. Jekyll would miss you.

TYSON: Jekyll would miss anyone and everyone.

FAIDA: Well, I haven't exactly been kind to her.

TYSON: You know she still loves you. She loves unconditionally. As a true mother would.

FAIDA: Hah. (She sighs, and looks down at the ground.)

TYSON: And Asmodeus. He loves everyone too.

FAIDA: It's superficial. I don't think that a tree can feel love.

TYSON: No, well, maybe not a regular tree. But a talking goat tree probably can.

FAIDA: He seems a little dumb to me.

TYSON: (He laughs.) Maybe that's his front.

FAIDA: I wonder if you're lucky enough to have people think that about you.

TYSON: (His smile fades.) Aha, this is why you don't have any friends Faida.

FAIDA: (She shrugs her shoulders.) not like I wanted any.

TYSON: You sure? Cause you sure seemed worried about nobody loving you a bit ago.

FAIDA: It was a question.

TYSON: (He stands up.) Well. I hope you find the answer soon enough.

Tyson leaves, leaving Faida alone in the kitchen. She sighs and goes to her room.

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