Ch.24. In The Middle.

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《I don't own Nanbaka 》
《Should I give Kiji a twin Brother?》
《Or give Kenshiro a twin brother?》

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Kin and Zara walked side by side as they were brought to their new cell in building 13 by Seitarou who to them was a cute little cinnamon bun.

When they first met the male he had blushed brightly when Zara had pulled him into her chest to hug him because of how cute he was.

He was so innocent the two couldn't help but tease him and enjoy it, soon the two were at their new cell and Seitarou than remembered that the others were in the game room so he asked the two if they wanted to go to it and they nodded.

Soon he dropped them off in the game room that number 11 got as a prize and he stood by the entrance.

Kin smiled and hugged her son to her chest once she was in the room after seeing the male just watching everyone have fun.

"Why are you hugging him out of all the beautiful males in this room you pick the not so beautiful one" Honey said as he and Trois had been dropped off to visit along with the ones from building 5.

"You could be hugging me to your chest " Trois said .

"I wouldn't mind it" Uno told the women "Hey aren't you that inmate from the underground? ".

"I am Kin , Jyugos mother it is a pleasure to meet you" Kin told them with a smile "I am so glad my little Dragon has such lovely men as friends ".

"Kin he can't breath your breasts are killing him" Zara told the girl , as she stood next to Tsukumo "My name is Zara Number 66 , I am Tsukumos mother and I am the only actual Ninja in this room".

Tsukumo looked away having not gotten used to having a real mother yet and the fact she was beautiful made him wonder who his father was.

"I did not realize sorry sweetie " Kin told Jyugo letting him go so he could breath.

"It's fine " Jyugo lied blushing as he looked away.

"I wonder how your sister is" Kin tapped her chin "it's been awhile since I've seen the little Siren ".

"Jyugo has a sister !" Uno yelled surprised,  he never knew about this and by the looks of it neither did Jyugo.

"He has a older sister,  a little sister and a little brother " Kin said "his older sister is half Siren, his twin younger siblings are half Human and they all have different father's ".

"Jyugo is half dragon from your side correct? " Zara asked as she went to stand by Kin "or was it demon?".

"Half Demon thus the fact when he uses his blades his presence isn't human " Kin said "it seems whoever made the shackles made it so they tap into his demon side when he uses them".

"So I'm not human ?" Jyugo asked as he sighed.

"No your not fully " Kin told him "but do not worry my Gay little dragon your still my favorite kid".

"Kin everyone of these men in this room are gay they just won't admit to it" Zara said , as she was now standing by Upa and Liang "I mean look at these two I am certain the Qigong user likes the cute little coin", she pointed to Nico.

"We can talk about that later " Kin said "for now we have to see who Aki picks for the god parents".

"She doesn't even realize she's pregnant does she?" Zara asked "Also I want to get drunk".

"I have this flask I stole from Akita" Trois said holding it up "Demons Ale I think ".

Kin snatched it from the younger boy and kissed his cheek before opening it and smelling it and took a swig of it not that affected by it .

"Still as great as I remember " Kin smiled "the only thing that can get a demon drunk".

"Give me some to " Zara said taking it from the girl and took a swig and passed it to the other inmates in the room and all hell broke loose.

As for the only ones not that affected after one tiny sip were Jyugo and Kin as for they had demon blood and only a full bottle of that stuff can get them drunk.

In the end let's just say a lot of people came out of the closet that day.

In The Middle 《Nanbaka 》Where stories live. Discover now