Chapter 2: The Meeting

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Adrien's POV

All of a sudden, a voice starting speaking in my head. 

"Hello, Adrien. Or should I call you by your super hero name, Chat Noir." The familiar voice said.

"No! I won't let you control me!" I grabbed onto the side of my head. I can't be akumatized.

"Listen son!" Hawkmoth said. It took me a second, but when I realized what the super villain had hinted at, I was dumbfounded.


"Yes, son, I am Hawkmoth. Your enemy and Paris's." He explained.

"How?! How could you do that? YOU MONSTER!!!!!!" I was screaming. I was surprised nobody had come in to check if I was alright.

"I HAD TO! For your mother." Hawk-I mean, Father whispered the last part.

"M-mom?! What about her?" I was super confused. 

"With both Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous, I get a wish! I could get your mother back. We could be a family again, just like how we were before."

"I'd get to see m-mom again? In person?" I asked desperately. I miss my mother every single day of my life, and I need us to be a family.

"Yes, son! It would be like the past!" I was starting to like this idea. I let the darkness consume me a little. I needed to see my mom again. We needed to be a family again. But then a thought crossed my mind. I stopped the darkness from taking over.

"NO! I could never betray My Lady like that! No matter how much I want to see mother again." I whispered the last part, and hoped father didn't hear me.

"But she has hurt you so many times! Rejection after rejection after rejection! Hell, she slapped you today!" Hawkmoth argued back.

I then went over the sentence he said. "My Lady never slapped me! Sure I've been rejected, but Ladybug would never hit me."

"Oh, How oblivious you are son. Haven't you noticed how one girl in your class is never around during akuma attacks? Or how Ladybug and your female classmate are the same size? How their hair and eyes are the same color as Ladybug? You haven't seen anything, son?"

I did a quick check over of all my female classmates in my mind. "Nope. None of them are like My Lady."

"Not even that Marinette Dupain-Chang girl?" Father said. My eyes widened. Her eyes, her hair, her stature, her appearances, her everything! It all made sense.

"How did I not notice before?! I've been blind!!!!" I was so concentrated on Marinette and Ladybug that I didn't notice some more darkness take over.

"You can get your revenge on Marinette and her alter ego. And you can get your Mother back. C'mon, son, easy as taking a miraculous from Ladybug." 

"I'll make her fall in love! THEN HER MIRACULOUS IS YOURS!" The darkness took over, and I was in my regular Chat Noir outfit.

"Call me Chat Blanc from now on!" With that I went to Marinette's house. I'll surprise her when she gets home from school. 

"I wanna play a little game with My Lady." With that, I jumped to my lady's house. 

Marinette's POV 

I finally got home after the longest day of my life. I just wanted to go home and finish my homework. I yelled at Alya, then Adrien, and I had had a moment with Nino. I just wanted this stupid day to end. When I get home, I plan on ranting to Tikki about the awful experience. 

I walked into the bakery that was closed for the week. Mom and Dad had a huge order to do in London, and decided that I should stay home for school. Great.

I walked into the apartment, and into my bedroom. I sat down at my desk and unpacked my bag. I pulled out my english homework and began to work. That is, until I heard a thud behind me. I was about to turn around when two strong hands gripped my shoulders. I flinched at the grip this person had on me.

"Hello there, princess." A male voice said. They had a deep, raspy voice, and they sounded almost familiar. I would say that this person was Chat Noir due to the nickname, but this voice was evil. This voice had bad intentions.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you in my house?" I stared at the wall, too scared to turn around and face this guy.

"Princess, why such foul language?" The voice said turning me around in my chair. I kept my head down, so I didn't see the man in front of me. He put his leathery feeling skin under my chin, and lifted it up so I was face to face with yellow eyes.

My eyes widened at the white leather clad cat boy.

"C-C-Chat. . . Chat Noir!??!?"

"No, baby, it's Chat Blanc now."

"W-w-w-what? Who did this? I-I-I don't understand." I was super overwhelmed that I felt light headed. "I-I, my head hurts. I don't feel well." I whispered. But apparently, he heard. He put his hands under my legs and back. He started walking towards my bed, and I was way too flustered to stop him. He set me down on my cozy bed on my back. I rest my hands on my stomach, and Chat lay down next to me. We were so close and I couldn't hold back blush.

"Feel any better?" He asked looking a the ceiling.

I could only muster a quiet, "Yes."

"Good." Chat N-, I mean Blanc, lay on top of me, "Because now I need info."

My blush deepened.

"Get off of me you stupid cat!" I screamed. I started trying to push him off with my hands, but he pushed my wrists down. He towered over me for a minute before leaning in towards my ear.

"Talk to me about Ladybug." He whispered in a sexy tone.

"I-I-I-" I didn't know what to say, and when he started nibbling my earlobe, I couldn't even think. Sure, Chat had kissed me and Ladybug on the cheek, but I thought he was more of a gentleman than this. 

He kept biting at my earlobe as I did my very best to not moan. Then he moved to my neck.

"Stop it. Please, you are scaring me, Chaton!" I whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

He continued for another second or two before stopping, and getting off of me. 

"I'll be back tomorrow to talk about My Lady." Before I could reply with anything, he planted a hard kiss on my lips.

When he was finished, he went out of the trap door.

My brain hurt, my heart hurt, my lips hurt, my body hurt. I was confused, and scared, and hurt, and I didn't know what to think. All I knew is that my partner wasn't being himself, and I didn't know what to do. All I knew to do was cry. Let the river flow. 

How on Earth was I supposed to fix this?

Adrien's POV

I stayed on the balcony long enough to hear her start to cry. I felt a little bad. Then a shock filled my head. It burnt, but I clenched my jaw to stop the scream trying to come out.

"YOU DON'T FEEL BAD! SHE CAUSED YOU PAIN! NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF!" Hawkmoth screamed. I flinched at his reaction.

"Y-you're right. I won't ever doubt myself again." But I did. I hated haunting my Princess and Lady. This isn't me, but I can't back out.

Or Marinette and Ladybug will get hurt even more.

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