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Slowly, I feel my soul leaving

And at once a blinding light flashed

Then I saw a boy crying

Tears kept falling from his eyes

He tried to stop it,

tried to hide it

and tried to calm himself

but none would work.

So i reach for him and said. . . .

Hey there's no problem that can't be solve.

Theres no wound time can't heal.

This is a world of surprise that no one can escape from.

There's always someone who will stay.

Some might leave but can't be forgotten.

This is a life full of lesson everyone has to learn.

But none could cheer him up

And he started to sob harder

But it wouldn't even ease a bit.

He was slipping.

I tried to wipe his tears,

tried to stop it

And tried to offer my help

But it seemed hopeless.

So I hugged him and told him. . . . . .

I hold his chin and made him look at me, to open up to me, to tell me whats wrong.

I saw his face and I was surprised. I saw my own eyes staring directly at me.

I grabbed him and yelled. . . . .

I have to try . . . I have to be strong and be able to stand on my own. . . .

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