Chapter 26

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"K-Kita-chan?!" As soon as Yachi had walked in, she was met with the sight of her friend's forehead smacking into the desk. "A-Are you okay?!?"

At her voice, Tsukiko slowly lifted her head up. Her eyes were half-lidded, proof of her fatigue. She was fighting to barely stay awake, the pain not even registering. "...G-Good morning...Y-Yachi-chan..." She greeted.

If not for the concern overpowering her mind, Yachi would have laughed. Somehow, her shy friend's words were sluggish from her tiredness, yet she still had her signature stutter. "Did you not sleep well?" The blonde questioned.

Tsukiko shook her head. "I-I didn't sleep a-at all..." To add on, she pulled out a small box. Yachi took it from her hands. She opened it to reveal the completely finished charms for the volleyball team. "You finished them!" She exclaimed. Tsukiko tiredly nodded her head, drifting in and out of consciousness.

Her friend really giggled this time, now that she knew the girl was just tired and not hurt. She carefully closed the box and slid it back to her. "And what about Tanaka-senpai's...?" She asked tentatively.

At the question, Tsukiko tensed up, no longer looking tired. Unable to meet Yachi's curious eyes due to embarrassment, the girl simply reached into her blazer's pocket and pulled out the charm.

The word 'Success' was at the top just like the rest of them. The net was stitched across the width of the charm with the volleyball just above it and the spiker right behind it. The silhouette of the spiker was finally finished, the number 5 clear on his chest.

Yachi was about to commend Tsukiko for her hard work when she felt something along the back of the charm. It was something along the bottom of the fabric. She gently flipped it over, revealing a small and almost hidden message sewn on.

I'm rooting for you!

The blonde's eyes widened. Had she not felt the slight bulge from the stitching, she surely would've missed the message. She raised her head to see that Tsukiko was still avoiding eye contact, her cheeks ablaze.

"...I-Is it...t-too much?" She asked, her voice laced with concern. Tsukiko dared to peek up at Yachi, trying to gauge her response.

Yachi shook her head fiercely. "Not at all! It's perfect, Kita-chan! He'll love it!" The girl sighed in relief. Her blush was lighter, but still evident. Although, that wouldn't last for long because the blonde didn't pass up an opportunity to tease her.

"So, if you're rooting for him...does that mean you do want to go out with him?" Tsukiko tensed even more, her face growing hotter by the second. "Y-Y-Yachi-chan!!!" Her friend covered her mouth, trying to suppress the laughter.

Sparing Tsukiko any more embarrassment, she changed the subject. "Are you giving it to him today during lunch?" The shy girl nodded shakily. To give her more support, Yachi chanted, "Good luck! Kita-chan, fight!!" She turned around in her seat just as the bell rang and the teacher walked in.

Tsukiko gently tucked the charm back into her pocket, her hand lingering in there for a few moments.

She placed a hand over her heart, hoping to calm its erratic beating. Somehow, she wanted lunch to never come while also wanting it to come sooner.





"...T-Tanaka?" Kinoshita called out to his friend with concern. The second-years had once again decided to eat lunch in Tanaka's classroom. Having just arrived, they saw the aforementioned wing spiker drop his head down to his desk.

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