Chapter 25

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The first round of classes had ended and students bustled about, preparing for lunch. At hearing her name being called, Yachi turned around in her seat to face her friend.

Tsukiko took out some volumes of a manga that the blonde had lent her. It was the very same one that helped resolve her possible feelings and actions toward Tanaka. Tsukiko had borrowed the rest of them, completely engrossed in the story. "T-Thank you v-very much! I-It was an e-enjoyable r-read." She slightly bowed her head in thanks.

Taking the books from the desk and replacing the spot with her bento box, Yachi replied, "Wow! You finished them so fast! I hope they helped you!" She proceeded to take out a juice box, ripping the attached straw from the packaging.

Tsukiko nodded eagerly. "Y-Yes, th-they did! V-very much!" She then calmed down a bit. She shifted her eyes a bit, looking embarrassed. "I-I really a-admire the main ch-character. H-Her and my mother h-helped me to b-better understand my f-feelings...I-I think I w-will t-t-try..."

As she was talking, Yachi was about to poke the straw through the aluminum foil hole in the juice box. Tsukiko's revelation, however, caught her by surprise. The shock caused her to squeeze the juice box too hard and poke the straw through with too much force. Juice spilled all over her, but that was currently the least of the blonde's worries. "T-Try?!? Try what?! Try dating him!? Oh my gosh!" She shrieked.

"Y-Yachi-chan! Y-Your cl-clothes! Th-They'll stain!" Tsukiko quickly pulled out her handkerchief trying to dab at the juice spots on Yachi's uniform. "You're really going to date him?" Yachi continued, more concerned about this topic than her current state.

"I n-never said th-that! I-I just thought...m-maybe I could t-take things s-slowly. I s-still have until n-next week." Seemingly satisfied with that response, Yachi finally began cleaning herself up. "That's true. The Inter-High starts next weekend." The blonde hummed in thought. "Then, does that mean you'll tell him you want to try dating him after his matches?"

Tsukiko jumped. "I-I-I'm not s-sure about th-that!! I-I meant th-that I could just t-try to be cl-closer to him f-first!" Yachi furrowed her brows. "But you just said you only have about a week left!"

The shy girl shrunk in her seat a little. "I-I know! I r-really want to t-try something, b-but d-d-dating is such a b-big step!!" Her friend was about to give her retort, but the sound of the classroom door making a loud slam stopped her before she could start.

"TSUKIKO-CHAAAAAN!!!" The loud voice was followed by the boys' volleyball team's one and only libero. The said girl squeaked, jumping at the sudden noise and also the overly familiar use of her name.

She blushed even harder when she realized that Nishinoya was dragging along Tanaka into the room. Noticing her bright red face, the shorter boy exclaimed, "Ah! There you are!"

He walked - almost marching - over, still dragging Tanaka with him. He stopped in front of her desk and was about to say something, but noticed her opened bento box. "Uoooh!! That's such a pretty lunch! Did you make it yourself?"

Trying to keep her blush to a minimum, she refused to meet either boys' eyes. She nodded, "I m-make them w-with my mother s-sometimes..." Both Nishinoya and Tanaka marveled at the work of art. The rice was shaped into a panda's head, using seaweed for the eyes, nose, and mouth. It was quite cute.

Just like her.

Tanaka wondered if he would enjoy her homemade lunches if they ever started dating. Apparently, Nishinoya had a similar thought. "You should make one for Ryu sometimes! He forgets his lunch a lot and has to buy from the cafeteria!" He joked.

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