Chapter 6

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Today is the day that she goes to see Tanaka’s practice. First, she would need to inform her parents. Tsukiko looks at her guardians. 

Her mother is standing at the sink washing the pan, spatula, and some dishes. Her father is sitting at the head of the table, food in front of him and newspaper in hand. 

Tsukiko finishes eating and puts down her chopsticks. She lays both of her hands in her lap and continues to sit in silence. Her father notices. “Is there something wrong, sweetie?” her father asks tentatively. Her mother stops washing the dishes, turns the running water off, and looks at her with concern. 

“U-um…I’m going to…come home a little later than usual.” There wasn’t as much stuttering since Tsukiko wasn’t as shy with her parents, but she was still a bit apprehensive about their reactions.

Her mother spoke first. “Oh, have you joined an after-school activity? Maybe a club or a sport?” Tsukiko shook her head. “Not exactly. I’m…I’m going to watch the boys’ volleyball team practice.”

“Oh, that’s nice! Have fun~!” Her mother instinctively knew that her daughter wasn’t going to just watch their practice. Her daughter was going for a certain boy. Who? She didn’t know. She was just glad that her little girl was beginning to show signs of blossoming into a woman. 

“That’s great, sweetie!” Her father agreed. “Volleyball is quite the sport!” Tsukiko sighed in relief. She was beginning to worry that her parents wouldn’t let her go, or more specifically, her father. He was quite protective, like many fathers. 

Her mother looked at the clock. “Well, if you don’t get a move on you’ll be late for school! Have a nice day~!” Tsukiko nodded and her parents gave her gentle smiles with their eyes closed while she went out.

Just as she slipped out, her father’s eyes shot open. “Wait…did she say…boys’…volleyball team!?!!” 



“NOOOOOO!!! My little Tsu-chan! Don’t go! Those lecherous beasts will devour you!!!!” Her father was just about to run after her, but Momma Kita tackled him to the ground before he even got close to the front door.

“Oh no! Don’t you dare try to stop your daughter this time! It’s about time for her to blossom into a young woman! I’m so glad that she’s finally got an interest in a boy! Or maybe she’s already got a boyfriend and she’s going to his practice to cheer him on~!” Her mother squealed in delight.

“Blossom?!? Young woman?!? Boyfriend?!?” Her father was having trouble processing all of this. “NOOOOOO!!!”

It’s too bad that Tsukiko was already too far away to hear her father’s screams. She walked to Karasuno High, all the while having a small smile on her face.

Many people noticed her radiance. Usually, the ‘ojou-sama’ was quiet and withdrawn – inconspicuous. Now, it was as if she was glowing.

Throughout the day, Tsukiko wasn’t as reserved as before. Her eyes were shining and she displayed a small, gentle smile for all to see. When the teacher called on her, she answered correctly without hesitation and with only a little bit of stuttering. Some wondered whether it was really the same girl or not.

During lunch, a girl with shoulder length blonde hair came up to Tsukiko. She recognized her as the same girl with the star hairclip that gave her a small smile on her first day. Today, the girl was wearing a heart hairclip. “Kita-san? Sensei wanted to talk to you for a little bit.”

“Okay. Thank you…umm…” She didn’t know what to call her. Tsukiko blushed and looked down. She was slightly ashamed that this girl knew her name, but it wasn’t the same the other way around.

“Ah! I’m Yachi Hitoka! First year, class five!” She stated. Then she mumbled, “Wait, you already knew that since we’re in the same class.” As a recover, “N-Nice to meet you!” Now Yachi was blushing too.

“N-Nice to meet you too, Yachi-san. I’ll go meet sensei now.”

“Okay! I’ll see you in class later!” Tsukiko nodded and was then on her way to the teachers’ office. 

“Oh, Kita-kun! Over here!” He called over to her. “I wanted to talk to you about your after-school activities. It seems you still haven’t joined any clubs yet and I think it would be a good idea to do so soon! It’s also a great way to make new friends!” 

She had thought about joining a club, but she didn’t have many options. She wasn’t very athletic, so doing sports was out of the question. Some clubs were too full and others, she had no interest in.

“You know, a position in the Student Council is always open! And it’s well respected. Why don’t you consider joining? You’ve even attracted the attention of one of the Co-Presidents!” The teacher smiled brightly at her. 

“Co-President?” She asked.

“That’s right! He even requested that I ask you specifically about joining the Student Council! Remember that second-year I asked you to deliver some papers to? Matsumoto Hiroki? Yes, it was him!” Tsukiko was surprised. She thought that she had utterly embarrassed herself in front of him. 

“Well, lunch is almost ending so let’s get back to class! I’ll take you to the Student Council room after school. You’ll meet everybody and they can explain what kind of duties you’ll have if you join! Let’s get a move on!” Wait. After school?!? But Tsukiko has to go and see Tanaka’s volleyball practice! 

Before Tsukiko could even attempt to object to the teacher’s idea, she was pushed out of the teachers’ office and directed back to her classroom. 

Tanaka went into the locker room after school. Just as he did yesterday, he was grinning stupidly as he walked in. The ones already present just pretended not to notice. Nobody wanted to ask and nobody wanted a repeat of yesterday.

After he changed, Tanaka proceeded to go to the gym. His grinning dimmed when he looked around.

Tsukiko wasn’t there.

He was slightly perturbed by her absence, but soon got over it. She said she was going to be here. Maybe she was just running late! She probably got stopped by one of the teachers or something. Yeah! Those lazy teachers are always asking students to do their work for them, like copy papers, or staple and organize them.

Tanaka easily discarded the notion that Tsukiko could possibly have bailed. 

It was easy to think that at first, but now it was getting more difficult. It was already halfway through practice and there was still no sign of Tsukiko. Tanaka’s game was beginning to get a little thrown off. He looked around the gym and at the doors again. 

Not here. Tanaka sighed. Maybe that’s why she said that she couldn’t watch his practice yesterday. Such a cute girl like her? He guessed that it was too good to be true. 

Sugawara noticed that Tanaka kept looking around and at the gym’s entrance. “What’s the matter, Tanaka? Are you expecting someone?”

Tanaka looked at his vice-captain, and then looked down with furrowed eyebrows. “…No.”

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