Epilogue: A New Normal

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"You were my favorite even before he turned into a prick."  He knocks his beer bottle with mine and laughs. 

He really is the best father-in-law I could have asked for.  He keeps my ass in line but he also is a friend.  He is someone I can talk to about anything and not be judged.  He has seen me on my best days and on my worst and he still always reminds me that I am the best person he could have dreamt of for his daughter because I would always put her safety before my own.  I proved that for seven years.

"Where's my grandson?" he looks around the yard. 

"Morgan stole him.  So be prepared not to see him the rest of the night. Probably for the best.  I know my wife and she's planning on giving him cake tonight."

Dan cringes, knowing exactly what the night has in store for us.  If Gabby thinks I'm changing two of those tonight - she is mistaken.

My gaze falls back on the table of blondes, specifically the one wearing bright blue chucks, who is lost in thought.  She snaps her rubber bands on her wrist and is staring off into the yard at nothing.  Something is definitely on her mind today, she's been quiet.  I don't think it's anything bad, there's a goofy little smile that I keep catching on her face.  Her day dream ends with the sound of Emmett entering the yard, screaming with delight when he sees the sandbox.  Cole just shakes his head behind him.  Gabby smiles at them and then her eyes lift to mine, another smile.  Fuck, that girl is beautiful.  And she's mine.

"Dad!  Can I play in the sand too?"  Zooey's green eyes light up and she tosses her book down to the table. I give her a nod yes and she runs off to Emmett.

"You're going to have your hands full with those two."  Dan motions with his beer to Zooey and Emmett.  He's not wrong.  There may be a three year gap, but whatever Emmett does, Zooey does the same.  He is all she talks about. She's never in trouble until she's with that kid.  I already don't like him.  Kid better watch himself.

"Not as much as you will with those two," I motion to Sydney.  Her hand is placed on Cole's arm as she giggles; his smile is plastered to his face as he looks her up and down.  Dan huffs and mutters something beside me before descending the deck and making his way over to them.  I take a sip of my beer and can't wipe the grin from my face.  I bet Dan never thought I would be the least of his worries.

"Thug! Game of pool?" Felix calls out as he picks Lucy out of the sandbox.  His happy-space is now being overrun by the actual children it was intended for.  I can't help but to laugh at the amount of sand falling from Lucy's diaper.  Morgan's going to be pissed.

"You're on!"

I look back to Gabby and, again, her mind is lost, staring off and ignoring everyone at the table. "Gabby!" I call out to her.  Her head snaps up to me, a big smile reappears.  "Wanna kick your brother's ass in pool?"  She laughs and nods excitedly. 

The four of us meet in Dan's billiard room.  I bring beers, Morgan brings my son, Felix brings popcorn and my wife brings her skills.  No one beats Gabby.  There is a chalkboard with her name and a large amount of tallies to prove it.  The look on her face right now as she chalks her cue says it all - she's going to kick our asses, again.

Wyatt bounces happily on Morgan's knee as Gabby breaks. She happily announces that she will be going with stripes this evening after knocking two in.

"I need your help man, we have to knock her name off that board. I've created a monster." Felix's eyes are glaring at his little sister as he whispers and sips his beer. "You need to distract her."

I smile against the lip of my beer bottle. There has only been one time where I've seen Gabby fuck up a shot and become frustrated, so I know I can distract her. I set down the bottle and move so that I'm standing behind my wife. She looks over her shoulder with confusion. "May I help you?"

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