Meeting the mother

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it has been 5 days since we got (y/n) and she has been an angle. Thought it was a little hard at first like getting up during the night so we can feed her.

It was the second night we had (y/n) and me and mark was sleeping with the baby monitor and we were sleeping soundly until.....

"Waaaaa, waaaaa, wawaaa"

"I'll go you stay in bed jack"

"No it's my turn besides she might want for daddy and not her dad, because she might want to see a pretty face for once"

"I guess I should go then really huh jack"

We both laughed.
I went to our little angles room were she was still crying.

"Ok ok I'm here my little angle"

I took her in my arms and started to make a bottle so she would eat. Once it was made I put it to her mouth and she took it and started to drink her bottle.
After she drank her bottle I started to gently tap her bad seeing If she would berp and she did.

After she did that I put her back to bed but she would not sleep. She looked up at me with new born baby eyes and for the first time smiled a toothless smile at me. At first all i could do was stare until I noticed some hands circle me from behind.

Mark looked down and saw what (y/n) was doing and looked shocked but started to smile all the same. As some time past (y/n) started to close her eyes and fall asleep.

"She's your child alright" mark said

"And makes ya think that" I said walking
back to our room

"Because she smiles then goes to sleep like you"

"Well then don't make me smile and we won't have any problem"

"Oh but smile should be seen by the world baby boy"

"Whatever"I said getting in to bed

"Goodnight jack"
"G'night mark"

Flashback end

I smiled when looking back at her first smile at us and could not help smiling my self.

Today marks Mum was coming to meet our little angle and would probably never leave to be honest.

(Y/n) started to cry a bit so I took her in my arms and took her outside so we could watch Chica play with her ball.
After a while she started to watch Chica and laugh at her because she was being silly and so did I.
I did not notice mark and his mom could behind me till


They both screamed at the same time making me scream like a girl.

"Holy god don't do that what if I dropped (y/n)"

"Let me see my granddaughter!"

I past (y/n) to marks mom and she hold her like she was her mother then again I could not said anything because she was a mom in real life and knows was she is doing.
"She's beautiful"
"Thx mom"

(Y/n) looked up at marks mom and smiled at her. "Aww she's smiling at me"
Me and mark both laughed

After a while (y/n) fell asleep and me, mark and marks mom and dad had a barbecue and some drinks.

"So how you two boys doing with a baby in the house"

"It's hard but we are getting there"

"It will be at first I mean I can remember when I first had mark and thought then I had given birth to an angle only to find he was a nightmare at night"

"Come on, no embarrassing stories please".
I could not help but laugh

When it came to night, marks mom went to her hotel she was staying at. We did say she could stay here but she was meeting friends in the morning.

I had just given (y/n) her feed and put her to bed and went to bed with mark.

"Well today went better don't you think mark?"
"Yeah, then again it is my mom and she loves babies"

"Do you think we might get a whole night sleep tonight?"
"Haha maybe"

We smiled at each other and went to bed and actually slept all night long.

Hello my darling how are you? Are you doing well?
I hope you like this chapter and hope that you add this story to your library so you get a notification for every time I up data.
And please look at some of my other stories to.
Well that me for the day and hope to see you next time.
Farewell my darlings! 💕

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