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Nana's POV

I'm in the classroom looking at the clock waiting for the end of the lesson.

"30 seconds," I mumble to myself tapping on a school desk. Legs ready to get up and ran out of here "10...9...8..." I start counting "3...2...1" the bell rings and I stand up from my sit.

"Finally," says Qinjia, one of my best friends. She's short blond girl and I always make fun of her heigh. I pack my books and turn around to Milan. She's brown eyes, brown hair and lightly dark skin. Also my bestie. She sometimes doesn't know what's going on, but we have someone funny in our crew at least. I mean someone to make fun of, but in a positive way.

"Let's go!" I say happily jumping out of a classroom with them behind me. We walk out of a school and make our way to Qinjia's house.

"Why are you so excited?" asks Qinjia looking at me suspiciously and I just look away probably blushing.

"Qinjia you know why...she just wants to see Chengcheng so badly," states Milan and she's right. Chengcheng is Qinjia's older brother. He also attends our high school but because of his age he's one class higher than us, so we don't see each other much. Fortunately, we are trainees in the same company – YH entertainment. Chengcheng and I are going to be idols, Qinjia – MC and Milan - actress.

"Yeah...aren't you tired of waiting?" Qinjia asks and my smile automatically drops. Chengcheng's been my crush since we first met, but I've never told him that. Besides he has a girlfriend. Mina. She's pretty and she's in the same class as him. She's really popular and quite talented. Luckily, she's not in the same company as me. I mean it's not that I hate her or something, I think she's a nice girl, but something is off with her and I don't know what...but maybe I'm just a bit jealous.

"I don't know...maybe one day he'll like me back..." I say sadly looking at the blue, clear sky.

"And what if that day never comes?" Milan asks gaining a hit on the shoulder from Qinjia "Augh, that hurts."

"That's for not being a good child," says Qinjia and I just laugh a bit.

"Mother mode on I see," I joke and Milan chuckles with me meanwhile Qinjia crosses her arms pretending to be offended.

"We love you anyway, don't worry," says Milan putting her arm around Qinjia's shoulder. "'s okay that you're short," I joke again and this time Qinjia speeds up leaving us behind.

"Wait for us! Don't be," I laugh along with Milan and we run up to Qinjia.

Finally, we make it to her house. It's a huge and beautiful mansion. Her parents are rich because they're CEOs of YH entertainment. No, I'm not her friend because of that. To be honest when I first met her I didn't know about it. It turned out later when once our school held a dance competition and after my performance they asked me and my brothers – Zhengting and Justin, who were my partners, to be trainees in their company. That's when we met Chengcheng and got close to their family. Then I also found out that Milan is Qinjia's cousin.

If they hadn't told me, I wouldn't have guessed. I still can't believe their actually family...they're so different.

But, because of our closeness they treat me like a family member. My parents work hard so me and my brothers can have a good life. They're afraid that this idol things aren't good for us. They think that we should go to a good college. Especially me...Zhengting finished high school three years ago and gave himself to the music industry. He's temporarily a choreographer in YH (besides being a trainee) and Justin...there's no hope. School isn't his strong side unlike me.  I'm the great brain in our home and they expect me to be a pride of the family. But that's not what I want.

We walk inside the house and we scream. "Hello, everyone!"

But there's no response.

We look at each other and walk in the living room. The couch was occupied by a tall blonde guy I've never seen before. He wears black and he looks good in it. He gets up and makes his way to our direction.

Who is it?

I glance at the girls with confusion to see them as lost as me. I look at the boy again. His eyes are brown and have this confidence in them. His figure is also really nice, he look like he likes to work out sometimes. He gives us a cocky smile and stands in front of us.

"Hello, sis..."

"Is that you?" - Cai Xukun FFWhere stories live. Discover now