"Would the kind sir care to join me for some Thai-food?" he asked jokingly. I smiled softly at him, grabbing his hand and following him inside. The take-out food was sitting unceremoniously at the livingroom table. Eric flopped down on the couch and immediately opened a box with pad thai. I slumped down on the armchair instead of right next to him and opened another box that contained fried rice.

We ate in silence for quite some time, but eventually Eric was the one to break it.

"So... how did it go today?" he asked me. I glared at the spoon that were held to my mouth. So close but still so far away. I sighed and put the fried rice down, instead looking right at Eric.

"She said that... we should talk." I looked down at my knees as Eric feel completely quiet. "I-it's kind of hard to talk about and it might take some time, so we could eat first if you want-"

"Nonono! I want to know. If I can help you in anyway I want to know as quickly as possible," Eric interrupted. I took a shaky breath, but close my mouth abruptly as Eric put his hand on my knee. "Lucas, please." I looked at him, his eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. A wave of determination washed over me, and so I sat down next to him on the couch instead.

"It's about what happened five years ago," I began, immediately feeling Eric tense up beside me. "But it's not about Joseph." Eric's head snapped up so that he could stare at me.

"What?" he asked dumbfoundedly.

"It... I... it's something that happened between us," I tried to explain. Eric looked even more lost now. "Before we got together." I finished and looked away from the piercing, blue eyes.

"Please Lucas. Talk to me. I want to help you," Eric pleaded.

"You... I... we..." I took a deep breath to steady myself. "Youkindarapedmeonthatnovemberpartywhenyougotreallywastedandiwaslikedruggedsoicouldntstopyoubutyouonlysuckedonmyskinandtouchedmewithyourhandssoidontknowifthatreallycountsasrapeornot."

"What?" he breathed. His eyebrows were knitted tightly together and his mouth was twisted in a deep frown.

"You kinda rap-"

"No I heard," Eric interrupted. "I mean what? Why haven't you told me?" He looked deeply hurt so I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes.

"I was scared," I finally whispered. Eric sat silent. None of us spoke a word. After what felt like hours of silence, Eric spoke.

"What did I do?" he asked hoarsely. I bit back my tears as I formed an answer.

"You... uhm... you made a lot of hickeys," I said slowly. When his expression darkened I was quick to continue. "But you didn't penetrate me!" I exclaimed, so loud that I was sure that the neighbors would complain. Eric's eyes widened dramatically, his eyebrows shooting up to his roots.

"I- uhm... I- eh, what?" he spluttered, face turning fifty shades of red. I could feel my cheeks beginning to heat and looked away from him.

"You didn't go all the way," I mumbled, bringing up my knees to my chin. Eric sat silent for a moment more.

"Then, you can go all the way with me!" he finally declared. It was my turn to widen my eyes and lift my eyebrows. I even dropped my chin.

"What?" I squeaked as I stared at him. He squirmed in his seat. A deep blush dustin his cheeks.

"I- you- well-" he stammered, the blush slowly spreading to his ears and neck. I had never seen him this flustered before. I began twiddling with my thumbs as my own face flushed. "Please, Lucas. I'm not good at things like this, you know that, but if this helps... I wanna do it," he sighed after gathering himself. I only had to think about the pros and cons before throwing myself over him, latching onto his neck. Eric gasped silently, but it didn't take for him to put his arms around me.

"Maybe, we shouldn't do it here?" I mumbled into his sweater, feeling the vibrations from his laughter.

"You're right. Let's go." He grabbed me by my thighs, lifting me up and steering the way to the bedroom. I clutched his neck tighter, grinning into the fabric.

Maybe this wasn't exactly what Hannah had in mind when she had said "talk to him", but I must say, this is almost better.


This is it guys! It's finally complete!
I must say sorry as I suck at writing things that involves psychology (I don't know how it usually works so constructive criticism and tips would be nice)

But yea, this was "My Best Friend Is Straight"! I really hope you enjoyed it enough to read my other stories!

Thanks for all the support:)
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