On Top Of The World

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'Please Ella!' My best friend Eva begged for the 76th time today. Just like the last 75 times, I shook my head frantically. There was no way that I was making a public appearance at the party of the year - even if it was my best friends party we were talking about. I will admit, it was getting harder to decline everytime. If you haven't guessed already, Eva was the master of puppy dog faces, and more often then not, I fell into the trap. As her blond naturally wavy hair framed her face, and her big blue eyes matched the pout, it was getting harder to refuse.

'Why not? I already told you I would be by your side the whole time!' She pleaded. Honestly, I don't know why she was so adament on me making an appearance! I knew my best friend well enough to know that she would have an equally good time with or without me being there. Actually - she would probably have a better time without having to stay by my side. With this thought in mind, it was a lot easier to refuse.

'Yeah, that would be even better, turning up next to my smoking hot best friend, making me look a million times worse than I already am.' I said sarcastically and she sighed. Even though we went to different schools, almost the entire population of Fairway High (my school), were going - something I dreaded. As you can probably tell, Eva ranked fairly high on the popularity scale in our town. Everyone knew her, and everyone wanted to be her.

Best thing is, that she wasn't like those stuck up, try hard bitches that couldn't keep their closes on for long enough. When they were on, there wasn't very much material anyway. Eva was laid back, funny, confident, friendly, and she didn't judge or gossip. Somehow, she managed to be the hottest girl in town, with a great fashion sense and to top it off, she was one of the smartest girls I know.

Me, on the other hand...I was invisible to the rest of the world. There was probably one million reasons why I only had one friend, but top of the list was the fact that I have never been kissed. That's right - I am almost 17 years old and i have never been kissed! But among that dreadful reason, there is the fact that I am shy, I actually listen to teachers at school, I do my homework, I have never been involved in a modelling show, and the list can continue on. And, if it weren't for Eva, I wouldn't have a fashion sense either but thank lord her mum is a fashion designer!

'Come on Ella!' She cried frustrated now. For the past hour of convincing, I had been sitting on the edge of my bed whilst Eva continued her rant. Despite telling her on the second decline that asking me was pointless, one hour later she was still persistant. 'I always come to your parties!'

I smirked at her. 'Eve, the last time I had a birthday party was in grade four.'

'Yeah but I come to your house-' I placed my hand over her mouth.

'I'll come.' I muttered reluctantly. I dont know what made me change my mind, but she was right - every single birthday I have had since I was five has been spent with her. If she wanted me to be there, the least I could do was make an appearance. I purposefully left my hand placed over here mouth - I couldn't stop the triumphant glint in her eyes, but I could prevent the squealing and excited talking.

The week had gone by fairly quickly, and i was now sitting in the last period of the day and for the first time in my life, wishing it would go longer. Today was Friday which also meant that it was Eva's party. The school had been buzzing with excitement all week long with girls talking about what dress they are wearing, and guys talking about which chicks their going to bang. Although I didn't specifically hate parties, I just don't think people got the concept of them. Everyone was too busy getting drunk off their asses and sleeping with any moving thing that they forget the whole 'fun' concept.

Quite a large proportion of the girls already left to get their hair done. I, on the other hand, had my beautician sorted out. Not that it mattered because I wasnt going for long anyway. Plus, I would go unnoticed.

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