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Sherlock walked into his flat and pulled out a chair. He motioned for Heidi to sit in it and she sighed. He sat down in his seat and made it clear that he was going to talk to her until she sat down in the chair. Heidi let out a loud sigh and sat on the chair.

"So, what can I help you with, teenager from downstairs?" Sherlock asked.

"My names Heidi." She said. He looked at her. She seemed very defensive in the way she talks, that means shes used to people being cruel to her. The marks on her face implied she had been sleeping on something hard, probably the floor. The smell indicated she hadn't had a proper wash in a while, and she was probably wearing the same clothes she had been for a while. From these things, Sherlock could deduce that she was homeless, but from her eyes he could conclude that something very bad had happened, causing her to be homeless. She's not homeless any more though, she lives in 221C.

"Right then, Heidi. Tell me why you were homeless" Sherlock said. She looked at him. A smile crept onto her face. It wasn't a happy smile, in fact it was fairly sinister. Sherlock watched her with curiosity.

"I've been homeless since I was about eleven. Thats when the dissapearences started. My family and friends. Anyone that took me in. The ghost got them. Theyd be missing for three days and then I would find something that they carried around on their possession constantly on my doorstep. I'd pick it up, turn around and their body would be hanging from the cieling skinned." She said. "I recommend you don't get close to me Mr Holmes. The ghost is an evil thing."

"Their is no such thing as ghosts, Heidi. But yes, I will take your case" Sherlock stood up and pulled out his phone. Heidi didn't know who he was calling, a man in the police force most probably, since he asked for all the records. He then called someone else. She assumed that he had called John to come round and sighed when he got rejected.

He grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled Heidi's name on it then walked over to the wall, standing on one of the couches to get to it and pinned it to the wall. He was going to make the connections, and figure out who had killed Heidi's family.

"Mr Holmes, you really think it wasn't a vengeful ghost?" She asked.

"I know it wasn't a vengeful ghost. Maybe a vengeful person, but not a ghost."

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