He laughed to himself and opened the door. 

“I’ve been trying to get you to come visit me for weeks and you say no. The one time I don’t invite you and here you are.” 

Mitch grinned. “What can I say, I like to keep things interesting.” 

Scott laughed and stood aside letting Mitch come in. “To what do I owe this visit.” 

“I was in the neighborhood, thought I’d see if you wanted to go for a walk with me.” 

“A walk.” 

“Yes, you do know what walking is right? If I have to explain the concept…” 

Scott rolled his eyes and shot him a look. “Give me a few minutes to get dressed.” He watched Mitch’s lips twitch as if he wanted to respond, but the cool smirk told him pretty much exactly what he had almost said.

“If you want anything to eat or drink help yourself.” 

He disappeared into his room, all thoughts of Alex suddenly gone. 


“You’re kidding, right?” 

“No, I literally flubbed the words, and then burst out laughing like a 5 year old. Right on stage. I was practically crying I was laughing so hard.” 

Mitch laughed and shook his head. “Way to be professional.” 

Scott laughed. He was about to respond when he noticed Mitch’s entire face suddenly light up. He followed his line of vision to see a little corgi puppy come bounding towards him as fast as its tiny legs could go. 

“Hey, little girl!!” Mitch grinned as she stopped directly in front of him and he knelt down,  reaching right out and began to rub the small creature all over. 

So, he won’t touch me, but he’ll touch an animal that has been rolling all over the ground. 

Scott pouted as the owner of the pup finally slowed to a jog and stopped in front of them, a little out of breath. 

“I am so, so sorry about that. She’s never done that before.” 

Mitch was giggling, the little wiggling dog propping up on him to lick all over his face.

The guy was watching Scott with a bit of a blush on his cheeks. 

Scott smiled at him. “It’s ok. I don’t think anyone would ever mind that amount of adorable coming at them.” 

The guy pried his eyes away from Scott long enough to try and get his puppy to leave Mitch alone. “C’mon, Jazmine. Leave the poor guy alone before you lick his face off.” 

Mitch laughed. “She’s fine, aren’t you sweetheart. Yeeessss you are!”

Scott couldn’t help but grin at the way Mitch cooed at the furry little girl. He was adorable, but then again so was the shy owner who kept stealing glances at him. “Disney Princess?” 

The guy laughed. “Jazmine Sulliven. She’s this crazy talented singer-”

“Ugh, I know! She’s my QUEEN. I adore her.” 

The guys face lit up. “Me too, she’s amazing.”

Mitch gave Jazmine a knowing smile. He touched noses with her laughing as Scott and the stranger got a bit lost in conversation with each other for the next few minutes. 

“I’m Connor, by the way.” 

“Scott. The lollipop is my friend, Mitch.” 

The smile on Connor’s face seemed to widen. 

Full of Grace (Scomiche)Where stories live. Discover now