Ch 2. For you.

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Scott was deep in his own misery. Some days were better than others. This day, so far, had been one of the not so good days. 

He heard the door click open. 

He knew it was Mitch without even looking up. Mitch was the only person that didn’t knock or announce himself.  Mitch was the only person who visited every single day. Mitch was the only person Scott had found himself unable to snap at. 

“What’s up?” he finally raised his eyes to the other boy.

Mitch shrugged a bit and sat down in front of him. 

He had been there for six weeks now. All of his clients absolutely adored him, but Mitch never really got close to anyone. He didn’t really talk other than when he was instructing, but clients were doubling up sessions and adding extra days. He’d become increasingly popular. 

Scott would find himself just going down the hallway to sit outside of the room he was working in and just listen to the sound of his voice. He wanted to book a session for himself, but no… he didn’t sing anymore. So for now he’d just listen to Mitch and enjoy his company when he could.

He smiled up at the man who currently sat in front of him playing with the stapler from his desk. 

“Having fun?” Scott smirked. 

Mitch returned his smirk. “Well actually...” he shot a staple over towards Scott, purposely missing him.

Scott’s mouth hung open, “You better quit while you’re ahead…” 

“Oh, should I?” he laughed and shot another. 

“Mitch, c’mon….” Scott still couldn’t help the smile on his face. Mitch was soooo random. He was always just completely unpredictable, but it always made him smile, even when he felt like he could never smile again. 

His visits never had a purpose. He would just show up, sit for a bit and then leave. 

Mitch was weird. Ok, maybe not weird…

Mitch was UNUSUAL… probably the most unusual creature he’d ever come across. 

When he was there in the office with Scott he was bright, cheery and playful. When he was out there, when he was amongst everyone else, he shut off….kinda like Scott himself. Everything out there was business.

It had taken quite a while, but Scott was pretty sure he’d finally figured out why Mitch was the only person that could get him to talk. 

He didn’t ask for anything in return. He didn’t assume anything… he never wanted to ask him if he was ok, or ask him if he wanted to talk about it, or tell him that everything was going to be fine. 

Mitch was just… Mitch.

He was just living in his own little, strange world, not really concerned with what Scott was doing or why he was the way he was. 

Scott wondered sometimes if Mitch had gone through something like he had. He wondered if he had been hurt in such a way that he became like this, like Scott. He wondered if that’s why Mitch only seemed to relax around him.

He wanted to ask, but that would just lead to more questions, so he kept his own to himself. 

Mitch was watching him again, almost scrutinizing him.

“You look hungry.” 

Scott blinked a couple of times. “How does someone LOOK hungry?” he laughed at the absurdity. 

Full of Grace (Scomiche)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz