Epilogue - Eternity

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Scott did fall in love again. Eventually. 

It took him awhile but he finally fell for Connor. He was a great man, a man who loved him and they took care of each other, and eventually their daughter. 

Scott was happy, happier than he thought he would ever be after what he’d lost. He considered himself lucky, luckier than most. 

But there was a large place in Scott’s heart that Connor could never touch, a place that belonged to someone else. 

When Scott was alone he’d talk to him, the voice in his head no longer frustrating or annoying. That voice, he knew, belonged to his angel and it gave him comfort, advice when he needed it. 

He could always feel Mitch, especially when times were hard, times when he thought he couldn’t miss Mitch anymore than he did. Even when things were wonderful, he embraced that feeling. 

When he made love to Connor he wondered if Mitch was watching and that made it that much more intense. 

Mitch was everywhere with him, in everything he did, in every thought… 

Connor knew there was someone that Scott loved more than he, but Scott was never unfaithful, never looked at another man, never gave him reason to doubt his faithfulness. But he always suspected...

Scott never did figure out what made him special enough to deserve a guardian angel, but he wasn’t about to complain. 

But, he always wondered. 

At the young age of 62 Scott Hoying suffered a fatal heart attack. 

He wasn’t afraid, even through the pain he wasn’t afraid. Just as he had always been, Mitch was there with him. He could feel the warmth of those arms holding him as he slipped away. He embraced his fate. 

When his eyes beheld the beauty that was Mitch once again, he felt complete.

Mitch took the hand of the man he had loved for so long and ran the fingers of his other through that beautiful blonde hair that Scott now had again in his 20 year old form. 

“You ok?” 

Scott nodded with a smile as he left everything else behind.

He’d waited so long, but now...

eternity was theirs…

together …

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