Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

My breath hitches in my throat. Pulling my shaking hand up to Shane's chest, I let it linger there and touch his skin. I drag my hand across the blood that is now cold. Removing it I stare at my hand that is now streaked in blood. Still I cannot breathe from the buildup of my emotion. I glance up at Shane and then back at my trembling hand.

I stumble out from underneath Shane and onto the floor. I grab Shane by the wrist, trying to pull him from his current position.

"Sh-Sh-ane." I babble out in only a whisper. "Come on," - I pull on his wrist once more- "I need to get you cleaned up."

Finally he leads into my importunities and drags himself off of the bed. It's probably because he's just as fragile as I am.

No. He's worse.

I push the small light on in the bathroom. My lack of  thoughts are cloudy and I'm trying to find the urge to not break anymore than I have. Just one more snap and I'll be finished. With my shaky hands, I twist the faucet on and yank Shane under the steam of boiling water.

The blood slides from his body, thinning out into the water. I want to look away, but I'm frozen. I can't help but stare at the crimson stream swiveling slowly down the drain.

I continue to hold my gaze and before I know it I'm balling once more. Shane arises from the bottom of the shower and grabs a hold of me. Within seconds my light colored shirt and army green pants are soaked. I can't seem to care though.

Shane just continues to silently console my sobs in his strong arms, miraculously staying strong.

Blackness continues to fade in and out. I drag my eyes open once more and notice that I'm in the isolation room.

I try to gasp, realizing what has happened but nothing comes out. I fade once more into the darkness.

This time when my eyes open, Shane is above me. I try to ask for help, but he can't hear me because I'm still and mute. I study his facial features and realize he doesn't seem like Shane. He's fallen into this robot stage. His affect completely turned off. And now I see that he isn't just inhumane he's iniquity in its worst form.


I try to move and retreat as I see Shane raise a gun into my line of sight. I open my mouth to scream, but it's hastily cut off by a gun shot.

I jolt up, trying to release myself from Shane's death grip on me as a horrified scream escapes my lips. Yanking the sheets away from my body, I rush through the door. My bare feet hit the cold tile as I sprint down the hall, making my way to the isolation room.

I jerk on the door, trying to open the dark and cold room. Realizing my attempts are failed, I collapse and wail at the top of my lungs. Through the salty mess of tears I slam my fist on the door. I can feel the bruises from my fall forming on my knees and the blood dripping from my fingers as the blurred glass cracks.

Abruptly, I'm pulled away. But I'm still caught in my overwhelming emotions of pushing away the reality to face the truth.

"NO! I have to save Seth!" I cry, through a blubbery snot filled throat.

Shane hastily flips me around, clutching my shoulders with great strength. "Carruthers, snap out of it." He violently shakes me as he yells. Yet, I'm not fazed by it one bit, I just go limp in his grip. "Seth's-Seth's- dead."

"Liar!" I scream at him as my body supports itself once more I slap him  hard across the cheek. Unexpectedly, Shane has released his hold on me.

Reality hits causing my body to give way once more, but this time I remain silent. Nothing will escape my lips.

Shane bends down to my level. He stares at me. His face is full of marvel, but his eyes tell me different. He's worried for me, and fighting to urge to give in just as easily as I have.

He softly picks me up from my position on the floor. I clumsily stumble as I try to walk. After my failed attempt, Shane swoops me up in his arms and carries me back to his room.

Gently, he sets me on the bed. He presses the small lamp above the night stand on. Dragging the draw open and reaches in to retrieve a small circular object.

Grabbing my hand, he opens it setting the pill in the my palm.

"Take it." I glance down at the pill. "It'll calm you down and help you actually sleep tonight."

"But Shane," I plead. "Is it illegal?"

"Yes, Carruthers. Just take it."

Inhaling a shaky breath I toss the pill in my mouth and kick my head back to swallow it. "There," I reply, sticking out my tongue to show him that the tiny pill is gone.

Shane pulls himself up to sit next to me. Still without a word, slips his hand underneath my braid and cups the back of my neck. Moving my eyes into his line of sight he says to me. "Carruthers, we're going to get through this. I promise you. You won't be next." I try to speak, but Shane silences me. "Don't speak. Just know that I'm here for you. Don't try to tell me different. Stop trying to take care of me. You do that without even trying. Just being around you sets me a ease."

I glance up into his eyes and realize that they aren't black like they normally are. Looking past the red bloodshot orbs, Shane's eyes are a dark chocolate with specks of gold. Never have I paid that much attention to his eyes. Or maybe it's the fact that I've never seen his eyes portraying this type of emotion. If I have, I didn't take a notice to it.

The only reason I wouldn't realize it was because I always doubted that these feelings would be coming from him aimed at me.


He presses the lamp off leaving me blind, but I lead into my other senses. Shane doesn't need his other senses in a pitch black area, he's always been good at seeing in the dark.

My body almost tenses at the realization of how close Shane is to me. I feel his warm hand find mine. With his other hand he slides his fingertips across the back of my neck to my chin.

Although I know what is to happen next I still become surprised by every move. Shane's hot breath fans across my neck. I react with a little shiver as goose bumps arise on my skin. And for the second time tonight Shane's smooth lips are pressed to mine.

The kissing last. It continues to last to the point where I don't want it to end. But I have to pull away for a breath. As I pull back I tug on Shane's lip for a second. Achieving just what I wanted from him. A low growl that he tries to cut off from my ears. The room is to silent to not notice the subtle things like gasps or Shane's growls.

I plop back on the mattress as my chest heaves up and down. Shane hovers above me just to come down once more. His lips trail across my jaw and then to my neck which causes me to tip my head back in delight. I the coarseness of his hands through the thin fabric of my shirt as they work their way down to the rim. Through our heavy breathing I can slightly make out my shirt hitting the floor with his following.

Shane resumes his placement of light kisses down my chest which causes me to halt breathing then start once more. He lets his tongue follow the rim of my pants before he comes back up to meet my lips.

Each of Shane's touches seem to ignite a small flame within that leads to a bomb that's waiting to explode. His hands guide their way across my bare upper half making me wanting him more. He pauses, which only adds to my anticipation.

Softly, he lets his fingertips dance across the button of my pants, with the zipper falling shortly after.

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