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I was busy helping my eomma cook breakfast when a familiar siren sounded causing me to jump it was telling all the omegas and betas that the alphas were back from hunting. Being the son of the pack leader ( Kim Namjoon ) I get a lot of respect but also hate when my parents aren't around I get catcalled and sometimes bad mouthed because I'm apparently the prettiest omega in the pack . Appa walked in with mud and blood on his shirt . While he was getting scolded by my eomma, I set the table soon after they came in and sat down. Appa thanked me and eomma for the delicious looking food then we dug in . As soon as I was done I put my plate in the wash and went upstairs to soon fall asleep still in my clothes

I was walking home with my father since we hunt together both being alphas . Once we were home I was greeted by my mother and the pack we all went are separate ways and join our families for dinner . I finish up my dinner and head to my room and fall asleep thinking about the peace treaty ceremony I have to go to tomorrow .

I wake up to my annoying alarm clock buzzing in my ear. Turning off my alarm, I get up when my toe touch the freezing floor I pout remembering it was winter . I go to my closet and pick out a nice outfit

( Jimin's outfit but without sunglasses)I begin to walk down the stairs but I'm suddenly stopped by my eomma " Jimin are you in heat?" Eomma asked

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( Jimin's outfit but without sunglasses)
I begin to walk down the stairs but I'm suddenly stopped by my eomma " Jimin are you in heat?" Eomma asked . " No I don't think so," I say confused by why he would ask that. " If your not in heat then why is your scent stronger?" He said sniffing the air . I run into my room and eomma soon follows " I can't be in heat not when we have to go to a ceremony," I said picturing all of the hungry alpha intoxicated by my scent. "Honey you have to come ," eomma said giving me a pitiful look. " This can't be happening why today ?" I say sighing deeply. "Let's go before your appa gets worried . Once we reached the ceremony hall everyone looked at me obviously intoxicated by my scent I whimpered knowing something bad will happen . We took are seats and the leader of the Jeon pack ( Jeon Yoongi) began speaking not affected by my scent that was filling the room. I looked to my right and notice a handsome boy who wasn't paying attention he looked at me and I retreated my stare back to Jeon Yoongi . The ceremony was soon over thank the lord I didn't have to stay in that hall any longer. My parents started talking to leader Jeon so I decided to leave before I got involved in their conversation . I began to walk not paying attention to my surroundings I bumped into a person hitting my head pretty hard I winced in pain until it was interrupted by a sweet voice " are you okay?" The person offering me a hand that I gladly took. At first I thought it was an omega oh how wrong I was .

Yes I left you at a terrible point * evil laugh*
By the way sorry if it's really crappy I have 2 reasons tho....

1. It's ma first book

2. I'm a terrible writer :)

Next chapter will come soon :)

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