Chapter 1 situation & Black Man

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In a sunny morning, Ross got up earlier than Laura. He got downstairs and cooked a delicious meal for him, Laura and the kids. He also had to drive Ryan to school. He was now in the 2nd grade. I heard something coming from upstairs. I thought it was Laura or Ryan. So, I got upstairs. I was surprised about what I saw. A man in a black suit. He had Laura with him and he had a knife in his hand. 

Blackman : You have 2 days to break up or, when I will return here with my pack , you will die, Ross Shor Lynch. You don't deserve Laura! Laura deserves Andrew! 

He said that and he let Laura go. He jumped out of the window and he disappeared. 

Laura: Who was that man? 

Ross: I have no idea... But I don't want to see him again. 

Laura: I was so scared.... I thought it was my end... 

Ross: You know I would save you, even if I would die doing it. 

Laura: You were woke up when I woke up... And then that guy cought me. And then you came. And he attacked me with that knife... I am so scared. He said he will be back, If we don't... If we don't.... 

Ross: If we don't break up.... 

Ross loved to complete Laura's sentances. But, he was now really worried about their family. He would give his life for them if they were in danger. 

Ross: if we don't I will be dead in 2 days... He wants to Blake Raura disappear forever. If we break up, what will happen to Emma and Ryan? Or, if we don't break up, I will be dead, and they won't have daddy anymore. What to do, Laurie... What can we do? 

Laura: Let's talk about this at the police office. 

Ross: He will kill us for doing this. I don't like saying this, but we don't have any other option. 

Raura hugged. 

Laura: you shouldn't drive Ryan to school. Maby that guy is still outside, waiting for you. 

Ross: You are right. He needs to stay home today. 

Laura: No! I mean, I will walk him to school instead of you. 

Ross : Nope... He needs a day off. 

Laura: he had 2! It is Monday... 

Ross : I'll ask him what he wants to do. 

Ross got upsetairs and woke Ryan up. When Ryan heard what Ross said, he got crazy. 

Ryan: But I wanna go to school!!! Mom!!!! 

Ross: OK, Ry-Ry. You could have some fun here, with me, instead of learning there. 

Ryan: No, Thanks, dad. Learning is fun for me. And your kind of fun is stupidness for me. 

Ross was amazed by his son

Ross: How you want, Mr. All knower. I'll be then just hanging out with mommy and Emma. 

Ryan was eating, when Emma came in the kitchen. Ross hugged her and got her up in his arms. 

Ross: Morning, sunshine! 

Emma: Good morning, Dad and Mom. 

Ryan: What about me? 

Emma: you ate the brother and you have to tell it first. That is what dad told me. Guys have to say this first. Not the ladies. 

Ross: Wow... You are a quick learner. Well-done! 

Laura looked at Ross. He understood that he was not doing a good job teaching her this things. 

Laura: Ross, can I talk to you a little bit? 

Ross: Always, Laurie. What's up? 

Ryan and Emma were looking at them. 

Ross: You, guys, eat. Don't spy on us!

Laura: Ross!!! 

Ross :  I know what I am doing.

They got upstairs, in their bedroom and Laura closed the door. She set down on the bed. Ross set next to her. 

Laura : I have to tell you something... 

Laura thought it was the time to tell Ross about her pregnancy. Ross started to be worried. 

Ross : What's wrong? 

Laura: I am pregnant.... 

Ross started to smile. He was so happy about that. 

Ross: That is amazing! I love kids! I always wanted 3!

Laura : Really? I thought you were going to be mad at me. 

Ross: I am a bit, because you didn't tell se sooner. How long have you know this? 

Laura: I am going to give birth in 5-6 months. 

Ross: That's awesome. 

Laura : I thought you were not going to be happy about it and you will leave me. 

Ross: I will never leave you! Never ever... Laura, I love you too much to let you go. 

Laura: You are very sweet. I love you too. 

Ross: Just don't tell Ryan and Emma this. They will freak out. 

Laura: OK. When will we tell them? 

Ross: Ryan is very smart, so he will found out about this sooner than you think. He will tell this to Emma, and how she's little, she will freak out. 

Laura: What you said is true and so.... So smart. 

Ross: Wow. I am smarter since I live with you and Ryan. 

Laura: What can I say? I am a smart wifey.

Ross rolled his eyes and smiled at Laura. Then, he remembered his first son... The one who was killed. He started tearing and Laura saw that. 

Laura: Rossy, are you tearing? 

Ross: Maby... I just remembered my first son... That kid wasn't the luckiest person. 

Laura: He wasn't. I miss him a lot. 

Ross: me too. Let's pray for him. 

Raura prayed. It was so sweet to see them praying. They had no idea that someone was listening outside of the door. It was Ryan. 

Ryan: This is amazing! 

He got downstairs and he just pretended to eat.emma looked at him. 

Emma: What's amazing? 

Raura got in the kitchen. 

Ross: are you guys ready? 

Ryan: Not yet. 

Emma: I am! 

Ross: Well-done , sweetie! Now come with daddy in the recording room. We are gonna have some fun rockin' like I was doing a few years ago. "Ross Lynch won the best actor and singer award!". 

Ross was pretending to be the announcer. 

Ross: "Thanks. It's been a long journey from where I began. But, all my life I wanted to win something. Well   2 things: this award and the heart of the perfect girl." 

He said, pretending to be him. 

Laura: Ross Lynch won the award for the best husband and daddy. 

They all laughed. He was really a good guy. Laura was a great wife and the kids were the best kid's in the world. 

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Sorry for the last part. It sucks! I will try my best in the future. Promise. 

Bye, sweethearts! Hope you are having a good day and enjoy this book. Never give up on Raura. 

#rauraforever #becrazy

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