‘Sorry, did we startle you?’ a low voice asked, amused. Eutopia could make out the vast shape of Blaze and Adrien framed by the grey metal door that was her only way out of the cell-like room.

‘No,’ she lied, her heart in her throat. Blaze’s golden eyes were yellow as he moved towards her. ‘Shouldn’t you be out the front?’ she asked, sounding braver than she felt as she backed further into the room. There wasn’t really a great deal of space, especially with the two enormous angels squeezed in with her, and for every step back Eutopia took she found Blaze closed the distance. In the blink of an eye, he was beside her and her back was pressed against the smooth stone of the wall behind, her hands still bound behind her were crushed between her body and the cold stone. The window was directly above her the long, thin slit letting the gentlest of breezes blow through, caressing the top of her head as Blaze began to trail his fingertips along her cheek.

‘I don’t think we’ll be going outside just yet, will we, Adrien?’ Blaze said with a grin.

‘The air’s sweeter in here,’ Adrien agreed as he crowded further into the room. She could feel their breath crawling slowly over her skin.

‘Get away from me,’ Eutopia growled and her eyes blazed. With the solid frame of Adrien pressed against one side of her and Blaze close against the other, she had nowhere to go as a forearm rested across her chest.

‘I know this is an entirely new concept here, this whole business of arrest, but I’ll put it in simple terms for your simple human mind. You cannot leave until we say so.’ Blaze’s hand moved to curl a thick, dark lock of Eutopia’s hair around his finger as his wrist rested heavily on her shoulder and his arm still barred her way. ‘We give the orders. So if I were you, I’d do everything we tell you to do and get acquainted with the locals.’ His yellow eyes glinted with amusement as he looked over at Adrien. ‘Am I right?’ he asked.

Adrien’s hand grabbed at the girl’s chin, her cheeks squeezed between his fingers and thumb. His eyes were an icy blue that reminded her of the Commander’s, cold and unfeeling, and his light brown hair, much like Jonathon’s, fell in disarray around his ears as he tilted his head down to Eutopia’s. His fingers were pressed hard into her face, causing her lips to pucker. His smiling mouth was only inches away from hers.

‘You’re right indeed. It goes against everything in our nature to leave you here still breathing, so you’d better make sure it’s worth our while.’ Adrien’s lips were so close to Eutopia’s that she thought he was going to kiss her. Her cheeks were silently protesting at the blood being squeezed from them and her teeth were digging painfully into the inside of her mouth. She squirmed a little fearfully. The door clicked open which caused all three of them to turn their attention to Jonathon.

‘Commander’s back,’ he said, taking in the fingers tight around Eutopia’s chin. ‘Jackson said you’d better get outside.’ Eutopia found her head flung backwards, causing it to strike the wall behind with enough force to make her wince as Adrien and Blaze stepped outside without a backward glance. She found herself rolling her eyes as a sigh escaped her and she sank back against the wall.

‘Please, I don’t need to hear whatever it is you’ve got to say.’

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