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(Play the song above while reading this chapter)

*Phone Call*

Unknown number:Hello is the Maia Jackson?

Me: Yes, who am I speaking to

Unknown number: This is Emily from Redlands hospital, Diego Leanos  just got admitted just a few minutes ago. He got hit by a truck.

Me: Thank you  I am on my way.

*End of Call*

I wanted to just fall out crying, but I couldn't. I didn't have the time, I had to go see Diego. I grabbed Diego's hoodie from the floor and threw it over my body. It  was long enough that I could wear it as a dress, but I put a pair of shorts under it. I grab my phone and wallet from the nightstand, and walk down stairs. I grab the car keys to the G-Wagon and make my way out of the door. Once I got into the car I pulled out my phone my phone and called Candy until she was at the store. She said she was on her way and will meet me there. I also called Steven,Arnold,Jp, and  Ethan. They said they were on their. I turned on the car and started to drive. All that was on my mind is 'I hope he is still alive'.

-Time Skip-
I finally made it to the hospital. I parked the car and ran out as fast as I could.
" What room is Diego Leanos in?" I say to the women at the front desk. Who might be Emily.
" He is in room 432 on the 4th floor"
"Thank You"
I make my way to elevators, and get into one. I press the 4th floor button anxiously. I wanted to see the damage that happened to him.
I walk into the room and see him laying in the bed lifeless. Tears started to form in my eyes. I walk up to him and grab his hand. I put my head down on it and the tears are just flowing more and more into his hand. I couldn't control it. I hear the door creek in and I see it is the doctor.
" Hello are you Ms.Jackson?" The man asked
"Yes" I said wiping my tears with my free hand
" Mr.Leanos is currently in a coma. We don't know when he will wake up,but we are happy to saw his body is doing well besides that. A nurse will come in with his belongings and give them to you. You can stay bas long as you please"
" T-thank you"I said holding back my tears. The doctor walks out of the room and closes the door. I draw my attention back to Diego.
" Please wake up Diego. I need you in my life, your mom needs you. Steven,Ethan, and Arnold need you, Valentina needs you"
A couple of moments the nurse comes in with a bag full of Diego's clothes. I open up the back looking for his wallet and phone. I start going through his pants pocket. I feel a piece of paper. It say to everyone on the front from Valentina. I unfold the note and read it.

Dear everyone I love,
I love you guys all of you so much. None of this was anyone's fault. It was the worlds. I just couldn't stand living when I felt like I didn't belong or I wasn't wanted.

Diego you are the best big brother any sister can have. You were always there. You helped me through my fears of growing up. Just remember I am always here with you no matter what. Maia loves you and your children are going to be so cute. I hope you have a girl just like you always wanted, with the girl of your dreams. I am so sorry your child or children will never meet their biological aunt. But tell them that even if I never even met them or see them form in Maia's body. Tell them that I love them with all my heart. And that their father maybe a complete ass and make you really annoyed at the end of the day you will love them with all your heart. And if you guys never have kids I just hope you guys live happily together and sorry I never lived to see your wedding. You would have looked nice in a tux. I love you Diego and always stay the way you are don't think this was your fault at all. Live for Maia and everyone else. Be the man I know you as be Diego Leanos not Lil Xan.

Maia you were my older sister, you were so easy to talk to about anything. You were such a good influence on Diego, and if you read Diego's part I wish you guys have an amazing future with each other. Maia always peruse your dream of making music and be that amazing influence you are to Diego to the world. Show your personality never be afraid to show it. I love you dearly.

Mom and dad You are the nicest people anyone can ever met and I am so happy to call you guys my parents. You guys have always supported with anything. And always helped. You guys spoiled me as best as you could and tried to protect from the world that killed that killed me inside. I love you guys so much and please make sure for my sake that Diego's children if he has any knows who I am. Make sure Diego doesn't do anything stupid continue to remind him this wasn't his fault.

Suigeneris I never call you by your real name but I felt like I should. You were my first love the person I wanted to marry. I want you to know it is ok for you to move on. Just always remember me. I got my eyes on you. I am so happy your music is going somewhere it is so good and can't wait for more people to know/listen to it. I want you to have an amazing lifetime, have a family have a beautiful wife. I will miss you dearly. I love you babe.

Steven,Arnold, and Ethan you guys are my best friends we have done so much crazy shit together that I can't even speak about or Diego might get mad at you guys. You guys were my second family. You let me be free taught me how to let go. I am happy I had you guys in my life love you guys.

So everyone I wrote this letter to you guys were the only ones that kept me from living this world earlier. You guys showed me there was little points of living but I just couldn't take it anymore. I love you guys so much and just remember I am always watching.
I just couldn't handle everything that happened this morning. It that why Diego was out? Is that why he got hit by the truck? Did he do it on purpose? How am I going to tell everyone what happened?
*2mins later*
Everyone all came rushing to the room. I told them what happened with Diego.Explaining that he was in a coma. And here was the hardest part telling everyone Valentina killed herself. Words could properly come out of my mouth so I just handed everyone the letter. They all read it including Suie. At this point candy was leaning into Adrian's chest crying. Steven, Ethan, and Arnold was slumped of the floor against the door cursing into their hands. And Sui was sitting next me with a full break down. Why did the world choose now for our world to fall apart. We saw the dead body report on the news and it didn't help. We all new it was Valentina's. I just want to disappear, but I can't I am going to do Valentina's dying wish for me, and I am going to do it right. I will live for the both of them at this moment.

Authors note: I was in complete tears writing this part so sad sorry

Him and I - Lil Xan(1)/Needs major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now