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" I just wanted to say thank you guys for coming tonight to celebrate Diego's first album. He would be the one saying this but he his too fucked up right now. But I wanted to give him the best gift he could he could ever ask for. I brought in someone that Diego loves as an artist. Everyone welcome Lil Peep." Maia said through the mic. I started to cry, I maybe high off my ass right now but I really love this girl. She is so beautiful, kind, smart, and so many other things. No body has even given me a gift this good, and I am so happy it was her who gave it to me.
" Maia, thankyouuuu so much babe" I slurred with tears in my eyes while pick her up to kiss my lips.
" Diego, why are you crying did I do something wrong"
" No no baby you did everything perfect, now let's watch this show"
" Ok, also after this is down go and pack your things we are leaving"
" Diego where are we going"
" Maia we are going home" I said before I kissed her cheek.
Diego said we are going back home. And home is Redlands. That means I get to see Candy again and Diego's little sister Valentina. The last time I say Valentine she was 10 but now she is 17. Let me tell you when she was 10 she was so beautiful so now I am so excited to see her beauty again. Plus she was so nice.
-It is the morning-
*maia_kween just tagged you in a post*

 DIEGO'S POV-It is the morning-*maia_kween just tagged you in a post*

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Likes:300k. Comments:4K
maia_kween: Sometimes life gets fucked up, that's why we get fucked up. @lilpeep. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that enjoyed Diego's album drop party. It was really fun.
User1: she probably fucked all those people so the can come u hoe
User2: she seems like the best girlfriend @ user1 fuck off ugly ass
User3: Is that lil peep
xanxiety: Love you babygirl so much @user2 she is but she is mine
lilpeep: Thanks for inviting me. So nice to to see you again and thank you for introducing me to Diego.
"Diego, I know you commented on my post now wake your ass up and get dressed" Maia yells from the bathroom
" No point I changed last night so I can sleep a little longer"
" Diegoo Leanos get your damn shoes on pack the car, so much you can do"
" Fine I am going I am going"
-Skip to know that they are in Redlands-
High school is hell. Everyone is fake and rude, and it is hard to get any advice from my brother because he dropped out 3 months in freshman year. I have no friends at all and I am completely cool with that. But I bet if I tell everyone my brother is Lil Xan I will have way more 'friends'. That is all my school talks about, Diego and Maia's relationship. It is actually somewhat funny because I hung out with both of them all of the time. And to find Diego dating the girl of his dreams is amazing to me. My mom said at the end of the day there is going to be a surprise for me, so right now I am really anxious. Well it is the end of last period and I am on my way out. I put on my headphones, walk to my locker and drop off the books I don't.
Diego is calling
Accept or Decline
Before I press the accept I walk out the doors and see a huge crowd of kids surrounding this car. I go up to get a closer look and I see it is Diego and Maia waiting for me inside of the car. At this point I didn't care if anyone knew who my brother was I just ran. Diego and Maia started to get out the car. When Diego is standing up completely I jump straight into his arms.

Authors Note: this chapter was probably complete shit, but I needed to update because the story has over 4K reads and I am really happy just wanted to say thank you guys so much.

Him and I - Lil Xan(1)/Needs major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now