It started to make me feel sad that I didn't have anything like this. I never even did growing up have parents who showed me affection. It was something that I needed and never got. I wanted a child already but I was too busy chasing a career and still chasing a career that I don't even like..only to make my parents happy.

"Daddy I heard you guys talking late at night and I can plan you guys date! Tell her about my Pb and J's aren't they the best? I can make you guys that and some tea."

"That's sweet were eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"Daddy you know I don't know what that means."

"I told you earlier K..being nosey." I told her.

"Oh yeah! No daddy I was not eve dropping! My ears can't close I tried."

"So that means you can hear me when your watching princess movies and you ignore me?"

"I don't ignore you! Your always in your room and I say yes a ten trillion times and you don't say anything back."

"Yeah okay." He kissed her cheek and put her down and she returned back to her chair eating.

"K..T has to agree to go on the date with me first before you make plans for us."

Suddenly I felt as if I was being backed into a corner. They both stared at me with hopeful cute faces that it was no way I could say no. Especially to K because she was like my own in a way.

"Uh..okay I guess!"

This should be fun whatever happens. I have to remind myself to stay focused on my goal though which was law school. Becoming a lawyer. What will make my parents happy.

After they left I got a call from my mother telling me to join them for breakfast this morning. Although I didn't want to I know I wouldn't hear the last about it if I didn't go and probably get my ass beat.

It was safe to say that I was scared of my parents.

I parked my car in their suburban neighborhood. The houses around this neighborhood were nice although it was surrounded by bad things. Like drugs, gangs, and shootings. My parents made sure to keep my sheltered from those kind of things. Over the years it has gotten a lot better though which makes them not shelter my sister as much as they sheltered me.

When I walked into the home I was greeted by mother and took off my shoes before going up the steps so I wouldn't mess up their clean light brown carpet.

"Just on time. I was just finishing food." She told me as I went up the steps.

My dad was sitting on the couch reading his newspaper with his glasses tilted all the way down to the peak of his nose.

"Hey sugar." He said making eye contact with me. He got up and gave me a hug kissing my cheek.

"Hey dad. What's going on?"

"Nothing. Reading the newspaper while listening to your mother complain about everything."

"Tom come in here and wash these dishes from last night! You see I'm trying to cook!" Mom yelled.

"Your daughter was supposed to wash them dishes. You need to stop worrying about me and start making her wash the dishes damn it." Dad scolded back.

I chuckled as mom smacked her teeth.

"See." My dad whispered to me.

"I swear everybody in this house wants to treat me like a maid."

"Stop dressing like one and you wont get treated like one." He shot back jokingly.

She smacked her teeth again and rolled her eyes. "Your mother."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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