Chapter 2

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I was finishing up my pre-law work which I felt like I have been working on for hours in my house.

I decided to take a break and call my sister to see how everything was going over there at the house since I haven't talked to them in three days.

I picked up my phone and dialed the house number, and Queen picked up. "Helllloooo?"

"Hey girl what you doing you been in any trouble since I last seen you?"

"Yeah I robbed a bank, and shot someone." She said and I smacked my teeth.

"Whatever..and can you cut the music down damn." I said not able to think over the loud music that was blasting.

"My bad. Mom and dad not here they went on a date so I just decided to have me a little party of my own."

"Yeah alright just be responsible."

"I hear your mom."

"See there you go stop I'm not your mother I'm just looking out for you..that's my job as a big sister."

I was bored and lonely from being in the house all day studying and I honestly wanted to go somewhere but I didn't have any friends because I was too focused on school. Girls were just stressful and a lot of drama and I dealt with enough of that with my sister. I wasn't about all the drama, turning up and pettiness.

"Yeah whatever what you need to do is get you a man. I want some nieces and nephews before I have kids."

"Girl bye, I dont have time for kids or a man right now I am far too busy with school. Maybe after I get my J.D but until then I'm okay on all of that. You can date and have friends when your in high school but I'm not young like you anymore..I have goals."

"So what are you trying to say about me? Your thinking to deep what you need is a man to put a glow on your face because your always so serious. You should let me out you on a blind date."

"Absolutely not. No." I said laughing at her offer.

"No I'm serious. When's the last time you had sex with someone?" She asked me, and my mouth dropped.

"Oh my god none of your business."

When you didn't have any friends and your seventeen year old sister thought she was your only one conversations like this happened..when she wanted to be in my business.

"C'mon just tell me please."

"Im not telling a seventeen year old the last time I slept with someone."

"What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is your a kid."

"4-5 months? No it had to be longer because I don't even remember the last time you were feeling someone. Was it before you got your bachelors?"

To be truthful it's been so long that I forgot what the feeling was like.

"Im about to hang up."

"Or are you secretly letting niggas hit in the club? It's nothing wrong with one night stands as long as you make sure he has a condom."

"Oh my gosh..I need friends. Don't you have seventeen year old stuff to do?" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey you called me."

"To talk to mom and dad not for you to play investigator in my personal life."

"Whatever you know you love talking to me."

"Bye Queen this conversation is over." I said before I hung up.

There was a knock on my front door and I asked who it was. It was my next door neighbor Khalil with his six year old daughter Kamille. K for short since their names were so similar.

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