Chapter 4

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It's finally time for my last class of the day, and I'm excited because it's gym. Gym is always an easy class.

I walk inside the classroom, which is inside the gym, and I see Paige and Ali.

"Hey!" I smile at them.

"Hey Josephine!" they grin back.

"A lot of my family back home call me Jo, so you can call me that if you want," I say, taking a seat in front of Ali.

"I cannot stand gym," Ali complains.

"Really? I actually enjoy it" I say.

"Im with Ali. Gym reeks!" Paige grins.

In walks Kendall and her followers. I groan to myself and Paige and Ali do the same.

"Good afternoon class. I'm Coach Johnson and I'm your new gym coach," he smiles, walking in the classroom.

My eyes look up at him and he is gorgeous! He has brown hair with mint green eyes. Green eyes are definitely my favorite! He looks really young too. I can't help it, but I can't take my eyes off of him.

"Hey coach," Kendall bats her eyebrows and puts on a flirty face.

"Slut," Ali coughs.

Everyone bursts into quiet laughter.

"Enough class," Coach says, but I can tell he wanted to laugh as well.

"We'll go around the room and tell 1 fact about ourselves and then we'll go outside if we have time," he says.

Everyone says a fact and then it comes to Kendall. "I'm Kendall and I tutor kids who can't get dates like Ali and Josephine," she grins.

I roll my eyes while the class laughs. She won't get away with that.

"My hobbies include-"

"Being a slut," I say loudly, interrupting Kendall.

Half of the class laughs, and half of them stay quiet.

"Enough!" Coach says, raising his voice.

Paige winks at me and we continue with our facts.

When it's my turn I slowly stand up.

"I'm Josephine and my I love to play soccer," I say, sitting back down.

"And she likes giving lap dances for 1 dollar," Maddie says.

Everyone laughs.

"At least I don't give it out to everyone for free," I hiss.

The class erupts into laughter.

"That's enough! You three, stay here. Everyone else go outside," Coach instructs.

Paige and Ali look at me. I give them a nod, letting them know I'll be ok.

"What is up with your behavior? You're all 17 years old. Act like it," Coach states.

I roll my eyes.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm not a doormat," I say back.

"Yes, but all the comments are so immature. You guys need to stop. Next time it happens I'll write you up. Got it?" he says.

"Yes sir," Maddie and Kendall say.

He looks at me.

"Whatever," I say.

"Detention, Mrs. Manders," he says.

I groan and head outside. Why me?

"Why would you say whatever?!" Paige giggles as I tell them the story.

"He gets on to me for standing up for myself. That's bullshit," I say.

"You are my hero, literally," Ali grins.

I giggle and soon Coach Johnson tells us all to go back inside.

I say goodbye to Paige and Ali as the bell rings. I make sure they get my number so they can call me later.

"Good luck in detention," Ali winks.

"I'll need it," I roll my eyes.

I slump down in my seat, not looking forward to this detention at all.

"I want you to write me a paragraph on what you did wrong," Coach says, handing me a piece of paper and a pencil.

I take the paper and write down 'I did nothing wrong.' I then take it to his desk and hand it to him.

"You are so stubborn," he rolls his eyes.

"And you are so wrong," I retort.

He glares at me. I meet his glare back with my own. I roll my eyes and look at the floor. He makes me nervous but angry.

"Can I leave now?" I ask.

"Go ahead," he doesn't look up from his computer.

I roll my eyes and quickly leave. I put my stuff in my car and head home.

"I found a job today," mom smiles at me as I walk inside.

"What is it?" I ask.

"An old friend of mine lives a few hours away. She's sick and not doing so good, so she asked me to come down there for awhile and take care of her. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I didn't want to say no. Her and I were good friends in high school, and she's paying me," mom says.

"What's her name?" I ask.

"Rose. I don't think I've ever mentioned her. We were close during high school. You could say we were best friends even. We just drifted apart when we split up for college."

"How sick is she?" I ask.

"She's got cancer, and she's going to chemo. We won't know until after chemo if it's going to get better or worse."

"I'm sorry about her. Tell her I hope she gets better. I'm going to miss you though mom," I frown.

"I'll miss you too. I've called your dad, and I told him he could come up to stay with you when he was free."

"Really? Thanks mom!" I hug her.

"I also got in contact with two of your teachers. Ezra Montgomery and Ricky Johnson will be watching over you as well, and they may even stay here some nights. I just want to make sure your safe. No funny business though," mom says.

"Mom, those are my teachers! Anyways, I can take care of myself," I smile.

"I know, but since Jesse's not here, I just want you to have some male figures keeping an eye on you. I left some money in the safe box. When that runs out, call me and I'll make sure to send some more."

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"I was actually going to head out now," she says.

I give her a huge hug.

"Don't stay gone too long," I smile.

"I'll be back," she says, her hug lingering.

She finally pulls away and heads to her car. I wave to her as she pulls away, and she gives me a heart warming smile.

When I head back inside, my phone starts to buzz in my pocket.

"Hello?" I ask, as I answer the random number.

"How did detention go?" Paige asks.

"Meet me at the local cafe?" I ask.

"Be there in 10."

Unplanned (Student/Teacher Romance) STORY UNDER MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now