Time to go to Magcon

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That morning my alarm went off.

I opened my eyes and Cam yawned.

"Good morning" he says.

"Morning Cam" I smile.

Well our flight leaves in an hour and a half.

"Yeah, I'm gonna take a shower okay?" he says motioning towards my bathroom.

"Okay I'm gonna get dresses" I say.

I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a gray tank top. I then wrap my red plaid button up short around my waist and put on my boots.

I sit and wait until it's time to go. I go on twitter on my laptop.

@Nashgrier: not going to magcon this weekend sorry guys love you.

"Cam, Nash isn't going to magcon" I say.

"Yeah he texted me" he said.

When it was finally time to go cam took my luggage.

My mom drove us to the airport and dropped is off.

"Bye mommy. bye Haley" i say.

"Bye Mrs. Ryan. thank you for letting me stay with you guys" cam says hugging my mother.

"Bye Haley I had fun with you" he says picking her up.

"Take care of my sissy, cammy" she says.

"I will don't worry" he winks at her.

"Aww I just got that on vine" I say posting it.

"Flight 563 now boarding" the speaker said.

"Okay time to go!" He smiles at me.

"Time to go" I say huffing.

Cam, Lox and I get in the plane and find our seats.

He insisted on giving me the window seat but I let Lox have it so I say in the middle.

I leaned my head on Cams shoulder and his in top of mine.

"Cam?" I ask.

"Yes Erin?" he hums.

"Even though we met like a week ago. Your my best friend and I could tell you anything. thank you for being here" I say holding his hand.

"I feel the same way. and that's what friends are for" he says gripping his hand on mine with more pressure.

I then fell asleep.

I woke up to the flight attendant trying to get us up.

"Were going to be landing soon so could you please put on your seat belts?" she asks kindly.

"Yes. Cam wake up" I say rubbing his arm.

He yawns, "did we land?"

"No but we need to put in our seat belts" I reply.

After the plane landed and we got our luggage, we went to where multiple people were holding up signs.

We saw Bart and got into his car.

"So what's up with Nash?" Bart asks.

"Well he was being a huge ass and he isn't coming. I don't really know because we haven't talked to him in a few days." Cam says.

"Oh well" he says sighing.

When we arrive at the hotel we get our keys and I find my room which is next to cameron.

"Do you want to go walk around when we get settled?" I ask Cam.

"Yeah sure" he smiles.

Lox and I chose beds and I settle my stuff in.

"Hey you wanna walk around the city?" I ask Mahogany.

"Not thanks, I'm gonna skype Jacob" she says smiling.

"Aww someone has a little crush" I laugh.

I walk next door and knock to see Shawn answer.

"Hey shawn how are you?" I hug him.

"Great! Living the life! How are you" he smiles.

"Not to shabby I guess. Is Cam ready?" I ask.

"Yes I'm coming!" cam yells walking up to door.

"Awesome lets go" I say.

We take the elevator down and walk out of our hotel.

We walk down and see a frozen yogurt place called sweet frog.

We walk in and get some frozen yogurt.

"So are you okay?" cam asks.

"Yeah I guess I'm still hurt that he chose her. I mean had only known each other existed for like 3 days" I explain.

Later that evening we walked around the town.

"OMG! It's Cameron and Erin!!!" someone yelled.

A bunch of fans starting running after us.

We ran in turned into an alley.

The girls ran by and didn't even see us do we walked back to the hotel.

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