Chapter 4-Sin

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             I stay out painting all night and by the time I get finished the school is beginning to feel with kids. I picked everything up and got my spare clothes from in the backseat and quickly changes. I saw as Skye walked up to my painting and studied it very hard she scanned every inch of it with her eyes and for a moment I saw a sprick in her eye.
“How you liking my work.” I said walking up to her.
“It’s good but who is this girl?"She said looking at me.
“The most powerful person I know.” I said looking at the painting.
“If they are so powerful then why is this the only painting of them?” She said looking at the painting.
“Because she doesn't know her power yet.” I said looking down at her.
          We stood there looking at the painting as people walked past then we heard the bell rang and when to class.
“SKye would you like to read your poem out loud to the class?” Ms.SMith said as I came in the class late again. Our job was to write a poem or something about two type of people. “Ok.” Skye said walking to the front of the class. Skye stood there she looked at my work then at everyone else I was looking at her from the back smiling. “ The name of my poem is called Under the mask.”She beginning.
“ There are two type of people in this world. There’s the people that wake up happy and have everything they want. Then there’s the people that have to wake up and decide what mask they are going to wear today. People always say be yourself, we love you for you, or it’s ok to be be who you are. Take your mask off they say. But do you really want to see what’s under this mask? Do you really want to see all my pain, all my sorrow, all my invisible scars? Do you want to see me break down,crying, heart broken? I didn’t think so.” She said said looking up to everyone.
“Skye I would like to have a little conversation about this if that is ok with you?” Ms.Smith said stepping from behind her desk.
“Sure have at it.” Skye said looking at her.
“So this poem is about someone that has a mask and don’t show her true feelings.But why do they want to know what’s under the mask so bad?” Ms.Smith said.
“Because they are in love with the idea of what’s under the mask.” Skye said sitting down.
“But why are they so in love with the idea of what’s under the mask?” Ms.Smith said moving from behind the chair.
        I raised my hand and her eyes went from Skye to me.
“Because they don’t know what cause the pain and they want to know what happened. So other words they are curious.” I said putting my hand down and looking at Skye.
       Skye looked over at me and smiled,I smiled back and Ms.Smith saw the spark between us,the whole class seen the spark between us. “Ok...Well Sin would you like to come and read your poem.” Ms.Smith said walking back to her desk.
“Sure..” I said getting out of my seat and walking to the front of the class. “The beating.” I said looking at my poem then at Skye. "Left, Right,Left,Punch,Kick,stomp. Black eye,Broken arm, brusied face. Don't cry, Don't cry, don't let him see the pain. Cover your face. Hide from the world. If they can't see you then they can't ask. Just make it threw the day. Always remember. If they can't see you they can't ask."  I said looking out to the class.
“Sin that was amazing but I have a few questions.” Ms.Smith said.
“Ask away.” I said walking to my seat. “So I understand this person is broken.But why doesn’t anyone help them?” Ms.Smith said.
       I open my mouth to begin but Skye jumps in.
“Because they wear a good mask.” She said looking at me with pain in her eyes.
“Is this mask made to protect them or their friends.” Ms.Smith asked. “Both.” Skye and I said at the same time.
           Just then the bell rings and we all leave the class. I look for Skye and can’t find her anywhere. Someone told me that she left but where would she go? I want to go to her house but I know that she is really at the boxing ring so that’s where I go.
        When I get there Skye is in the middle of a fight and she is doing bad. “YO SKYE KICK HIS ASS!” I yell from the side of her.She looks at me and she doesn't look the same,the fight lasted for hours and for the first time Skye lost. “Skye what happened?” I said as Skye climbed out the ring. “This is all your fault.”She said taking her gloves off and storming out of the room.
“My fault what did I do?” I said trying to keep up with her.
“You loved me.” She said.
“Yes Skye I do love you.” I said moving in front of her so she couldn't move.
         She looked me in my eyes and began to cry she lay in my chest and I just stand there and hold her.
"Well stop." Skye said sitting down and bring her knees to her chest.
"I can't."
“I love you too.” Skye said as I lifted her up.
        She moved closer to me and I just sat there and looked at her. I was in shock Skye loved me and she loves me for me not the me I pretend to be. I moved closer to Skye to where our faces were just inches away. Skye push her lips on mine and we kiss,but it feels like more than that. It feels like I have the world in my hands and it's just perfect. As the kiss come to an end I am stuck wanting more.
“Come on bet I beat you to the car.” Skye said hopping up and running. “NO FAIR YOU CHEATED!” I yelled running after her.
         This is the perfect life they have on tv. The life I always wanted but thought I could never have. I get to the car and see Skye standing there leaning on the car.
“Took you long enough.” She said smiling.
“You chatted.” I said opening my door.
“I did not.” She said getting in the car. “Yea whatever.” I said starting the car.
            I drove Skye home and went home to no one like always.
“Hello Sin.” Someone said from behind me.
“Dad what are you doing here?” I said turning to see my father.
“You don’t sound  happy to see me.” He said moving closer to me. “Because I’m not.” I said taking a step back.
“Come on Sin don’t be that way. I wanted be here is we didn’t need you.” He said looking out the window. “I say your little friend. She’s cute. Maybe she can help us.” He said walking towards the door. “NO! I’ll do it.” I said reaching out for him.
“Good i need you to kill Skye Heart.” He said looking at his phone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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