chapter 1-Skye pov

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Life is nothing but time, days, weeks, months, years and we just build stuff around it. But at the end we are all left wanted one thing and that’s more time. More time to live, laugh. love but we never get it. Cause when it’s gone you never get it back.They say you only live once but that’s wrong you live everyday you only die once. But I’m getting ahead of myself let’s go back a couple years.

As a kid you feel like you have the world at your feet. You can do anything you want and no one will say anything. That’s how some kids live their childhood, not me.

“Skye are you asleep?” My dad said coming into my room.

My dad has this perfect blond hair and skye blue eyes. While I have black hair and these dark blue eyes that looked almost black like my mother.

“Daddy is that you? I’m trying to sleep.” I said with my eyes still closed.

“It’s ok.” My dad said coming to the bed.

He claims in the bed naked and drunk, he begins to take my clothes off.

“Daddy what are you doing?” I said trying to get up but he is to strong.

“Shh I promise it won't hurt.” He said climbing on top of me.


“SHUT UP!!” He yelled back then smacked me.

I just laid there and cried until he was done. My father did that to me for a couple years and after my mom died it only got worse. He would not only rape me he would beat me to he said it was to make me stronger but I think it was only to take his anger out. But at the end of the night he would always come back to me.

“Hey babygirl you know I didn’t mean anything I said. I was just upset.” He said moving closer to me.

“Daddy when can I leave out of this room?” I said standing up and wiping the tears off my face.

“When you make daddy happy.” He said closing the door and locking it.

“Daddy I don’t want to do that. I just want to be like all the other kids. Why do you do this to me daddy?” I said begin to cry again.

“SHUT UP AND MAKE ME HAPPY OR YOU WILL NOT LIVE TO SEE THE SUNSHINE!!” He yelled walking over to me and grading me by the neck.

“Ok but please just let me go.” I managed to say.

He lets go and I fall to the ground I quickly stand to my feet and put a fake smile on my face.

“Now tell me that you want this.” He said kissing up and down my neck.

“I…I want you da...daddy.” I said before all the tears came down my face.
                     *10 years later*

“Ms.Heart why are you late to my class again?” Ms.Smith said as I walked in the door.

Ms.Smith has been my English teacher for a couple years and no I didn't flunk it’s just she is the only one that understands what I have been through. When I was a kid and it all started she would see me at the park and she would be my some what friend.
“Because I can.” I said moving to my seat.

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