The Black Suits, and my mission to kill every one of them.

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I grabbed my neck where he penetrated my skin. I felt weak and dizzy. I stood up and limped over to where my backpack was. I wiped the stake on my clothes and made sure that the gun was still tucked in the strap on my leg. Using it hadn't even occurred to me. I picked my backpack up and draped it over the opposite shoulder to where I was bitten. I walked towards the front entrance, stopping at the two piles of blood which were slowly draining away. I set my bag down next to them and pulled out a big silver thermos. I crouched by the puddles and scooped some of the first bloodsucker's (the one I kissed) blood into the thermos until it was full. I took a mouthful and swallowed it. It was so rich; it was like taking a shot of tequila. My strength slowly but surely regained and I placed the thermos back into my backpack. Deep, men voices echoed down the corridors. I ran out the front entrance and into the bushes. Finding a spot in the bushes I crouched, staring at the entrance. I felt the warmth spread throughout my body. My wounds healed and I ran my fingers over where the two small holes should have been. All that was there were two small bumps, barely even scaring my skin. The school entrance burst open and out came five Black Suits (missing the one I killed in the bathrooms). Two of them were holding someone's arms. I squinted and tried to see who it was.

"Oh, please, no!" I whispered, seeing that the person was Rupert.

He looked terrible; he was covered in blood which I assumed it was his. Worst of all he was unconscious and the Black Suits were pretty much dragging him. I watched as his feet dragging along the cement. The Black Suits showed no emotions at all. They just headed towards the black vans they arrived in. There was no way I could take them all down. They threw Rupert's lifeless body into the back of one of the vans. One got in the back with his body while two of them got in the front. The other two got into another van in front of the one transporting Rupert. The engines of both the vans started simultaneously. They headed for the exit of the school's parking lot.

"Crap" I muttered.

Even though my strength had regained due to the bloodsuckers blood I still ached. I sprinted out of the bush and headed after the vans. I felt like I was running a little faster than usual, I could smell, hear and see better too. This was definitely a plus. I ducked and weaved in and out of parked cars. I saw the vans coming around the last corner towards me. I stopped and dove behind a parked car. Panting, I looked through the windows of the car at the vans. They were pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road. I looked around for a bicycle or anything that would move quicker than I could running. There was nothing.

"I guess it'll have to be on foot", I said.

Once I caught my breath I started running in the direction the vans were heading. I took short cuts through the backyards of residents living in Primave, I headed down alleyways and streets I knew. I was growing weaker from using up all my energy. I found myself growing tired, yawning every so often. My eyelids felt heavy and sweat was dripping off my body. Night was passing over which made me even more worried because that's when most bloodsuckers are active and find prey to feed on. I steadied myself against a wall in an alleyway that was just down the road from my house. I had to save Rupert but I couldn't move. My muscles were aching and quivering. I was dehydrated. I reached into my bag to get the thermos but then stopped. Words which I had been told before I became a hunter were "Never drink too much pure bloodsucker or Black suit blood, you will find yourself slowly and eventually develop a thirst for human blood and if you give in to that thirst, you will grow fangs". I zipped by bag back up and resisted the temptation. I looked down the alleyway in the direction my house was. I saw the black vans drive past and I immediately shot up and ran for the street the alley connected to. I almost reached the street when I suddenly collapsed. My body wouldn't let me continue any further. I was gasping for air and my mouth was dry. I was hunched over coughing and wheezing. I fell over onto my side and my eyes were slowly closing. I looked into the street and the last thing I saw was a black figure walking towards.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2010 ⏰

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