Chapter five

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I run and run and run, until finally I get to somewhere I think is good for hiding. It's behind a big carpet, except the carpet is hanging on the wall and is super decorated. There's a tunnel behind it, so I don't think anyone will find me if I go far enough.

I go into the tunnel and walk until I get tired. I sit down and look around. The tunnel is really dark and dusty, and I think that it looks scary. I look the way I came, but I don't see anything, and then I look the other way, and don't see anything there either. 

"Dwaco?" I say quietly, even though I don't think he can hear me now. I want to start walking back, but I'm tired. I think I'm going to sleep now.


Draco POV

Harry darts off the seat, and bolts out of the room before I can stop him.

"Harry!" I call, but he doesn't hear me. I stand up and run after him, unable to stop the fear that shoots through me when I can't find him, even after I run through five corridors. Where is he? Has he hurt himself? He's so small, Merlin, it suddenly hits me how small he is. He might be dead. He's dead and it will be all my fault because I was supposed to watch him.

I sprint down hallways, screaming his name, until I find myself face to face with Granger and Weasel. But I'm too terrified to say anything, except;

"Where would he go? Tell me!"

"Harry? I don't know- why..?" Weasel begins, dumb as always.

"He has a map," Granger says. A map? How the fuck is a map supposed to help?

"We can't give him the map!" Weasel exclaims.

"Why not?"

"He's Malfoy! The slimy git, remember? Harry would never forgive us if we gave him-"

"Stop being a child, Ronald. He's obviously different now. If Harry trusts him, so should we."

"Thank you, Granger. Now, please, help me find Harry."

"The map's in Gryffindor. Come on, we'll take you there." They started running down a corridor, and I followed them as fast as possible, until we reached a portrait of a woman who seemed to be admiring her reflection in the mirror.

"Fortitudo," said, Granger, and the Weasel gaped at her.


"What? Oh, shush, Ronald. It doesn't matter if he knows! Stay here, Malfoy, we'll get the map." I nodded.

The woman in the portrait scoffed. "How rude. Not even a thank you."

"Well, they are Gryffindors."


Granger pulled her wand out, pointing it at the plain parchment (which was certainly not a map) and saying: "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Suddenly, writing appeared on the parchment; Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Pa- Granger opened the parchment, revealing what was surely a map. A map of Hogwarts, which was impressive in and of itself, however this map seemed to have labelled footprints walking around.

"Did Harry-"

"No, he was given it."

"So who designed this? It's incredible! What charmed was used?"

"That's none of your business, ferret." I scowled at the redhead. What was his problem? Granger was pouring over the map, frowning deeply.

"I don't see him."

"Let me look." I took the map from her. The spell work truly was incredible- mine, Granger, and Weasel's footprints outside the Gryffindor common room, Thomas, Finnegan, Longbottom, Brown, Patil, the two Weasley twins and other miscellaneous Gryffindors inside. A couple of students still in the great hall, Professor McGonagall in her office, Professor Snape in his, what appeared to be the Ravenclaw Quidditch team on the pitch, Pansy, Blaise, Millie, Greg and Vince walking through a corridor from the Great Hall, but no Harry Potter. And then-

"There!" I exclaimed, pointing at what seemed to be a tunnel leading out of school. His footprints were still. Why was he there? It must be so cold, and dark, and he must be so scared- oh, Harry. "Come on, let's go."

We sprinted through the corridors, but when we got to the place where the pathway supposedly began, all there was was a tapestry. But the Weasel and Granger seemed to know what to do, pulling it aside and disappearing behind it, so I copy them, and sure enough a tunnel appears, and we begin to head down it.

Harry POV

When I wake up it's cold and dark. I forget where I am, but then I remember I'm in the scary tunnel. And I hear footsteps coming really really fast and I'm super scared because what if it's a monster? It might want to eat me and I don't want to be eaten! Where's my Draco? If he were here he'd protect me!

"Harry?" I jump. I don't know that voice! It's probably a scary killer! It sounds like a girl- what if it's Aunt 'Tunia coming to bring me back home? I don't want to go home!

"Harry!" That's a boy voice. If it's two scary monsters I'll definitely die! I can't fight two!

The footsteps get louder and louder until it sounds like the monsters are super close, then there are shadows around the corner! So I shut my eyes super tight and say- "P'ease Misters Monsters don' hu't me I don' wanna die!"

"Harry!" That sounds like-

"Dwaco?" I open my eyes and it's my Draco! He runs up to me and hugs me really tight so I hug him back.

"Never do that again, young man! I was worried sick! Never run off again, I almost had a heart attack!"

"'M sowwy Dwaco! P'ease don' be angwy!"

"Shh, poppet, don't cry, I'm not angry, I was just scared; I thought you were hurt."

"We have five minutes until curfew," Miss Bushy-Hair-Girl says. I don't know what that is, but it sounds scary.

"You lot should get going then. Maybe see you tomorrow?" my Draco says.

"Sure thing, Malfoy," Miss-Bushy-Hair-Girl says. They wave at me, smiling, and then start walking away.

"Would you like to go back to the common room, munchkin?" my Draco asks.

"What tha'?"

"It's a place to relax with comfy sofas and fires and beds just upstairs. We can even play some games if you want." That sounds super cool!

"Bu', Dwaco, I ha'e no toys!"

"I asked for some to be brought up for you munchkin. Shall we go now?" I nod because it sounds warm and comfy there, and I don't think there are as many monsters. "Words please, poppet."

"Yes pwease Dwaco."

"Good. And when we get there you can tell me why you ran away, yeah?" Uh oh. I think I'm in trouble.

A/N sorry sorry sorry I'm awful at uploading! Hope you enjoy this chapter and it somewhat makes up for it!

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