Chapter one

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Trigger warnings- threat of domestic abuse

Harry POV

I can hear the loud footsteps coming to my cupboard and I am scared. It is Uncle Vernon, and when Uncle Vernon comes to my cupboard he hurts me. Please please please please let me be somewhere different please please.

The door opens and I can see him. His face is all red because he is angry and he is holding the thing that makes pain.

"'M sowwy Ucle Vewnon. 'M weally sowwy."

"What did your aunt ask you to do?"

"Make tea fow you and her."

"And what did you do instead, you clumsy freak?"

"I spil' it."

"That's right. All over the clothes Dudley so kindly gave you and all over the carpet. That is very disrespectful and you deserve punishment."

"I know, Ucle Vernon, sir. 'M weally sowwy."

"Sorry won't cut it this time boy."

I close my eyes really tight because if I don't see it then it doesn't hurt as much. But instead my belly feels funny. And there is cloths all around me. So I open my eyes and I don't see Uncle Vernon. I see a really big room, much bigger than my cupboard, with lots of tables and chairs and with lots of big people in it. And all of the big people are looking at me. Who are they? Do they want to hurt me? Have I done something else wrong? I don't want to cry because Uncle Vernon says crying is for pathetic losers. I don't know what that means but I know it is bad. So I don't want to cry and make him mad but I'm really really scared. I look around and there is a door! So I pull up the big cloths on me and run away through the door, even though I keep falling over. It's okay though because it only bleeds a little.

I run a long way and then I see a big statue and hide behind it. Some of the big people in the room are following me and they stop and try to reach me but they can't. One is a woman with big brown bushy hair and the other is a man with orange hair and lots and lots of freckles.

"Harry," the Miss Bushy-Hair-Girl says. I think she's talking to me, but my name is Freak, not Harry, so I don't know why she says that. "It's time to come out now." Her voice is kind but that's the same thing Aunt 'tunia says when I'm in trouble. I don't want to be in trouble! I whimper, but then I remember Uncle Vernon doesn't like it when I whimper so I put a hand over my mouth and shuffle back some more.

"Hey, Harry it's okay." I don't know who they're talking to and they're big and scary and I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this!

I start crying loudly which is really bad because Uncle Vernon will hurt me. Or maybe the big people will hurt me. I don't know.

"Malfoy?" Mr Red-Hair-Man says and he sounds angry. "What are you doing here?"

"Let me talk to him. I know what to do."

"No way in hell, Malfoy! You'll hurt him!" Mr Red-Hair-Man is yelling now which makes him even more scary.

"Ron, you're scaring him," Miss Bushy-Hair-Girl says. "Let Malfoy talk to him if he thinks it can help."

Another man, who I think is Mr Malfoy crouches down who has really white hair and pretty grey eyes. He smiles at me But it's not like Uncle Vernon's smiles, so I don't think he wants to hurt me. But I'm still scared because Uncle Vernon tricks me sometimes.

"Hi, my name's Draco," he says. Draco is a strange name. "What's your name?"

"You know his name-" Mr Red-Hair-Man says but Miss Bushy-Hair-Girl shushes him.

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