13) Student Council

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I covered my face with a mask and wore a hooded jumper to hide my hair.
I peaked out of the window to see if anyone was there, I had my chance and I took it.
I stepped out of the house, checking if anyone was there.
I looked cautiously at every side as I arrived at the school, luckily there wasn't anyone guarding the school gate and it was slightly open.
I crept inside and found myself in the meeting room, but no one was inside.

I saw the stacks of paper of students who suggested themes for prom, looks like they haven't picked one yet.
"Who are you?" A voice spoke behind me.
I turned around slowly, only to reveal Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Jihyo.
"Reveal yourself." Nayeon stepped forwards.
I took off my mask and my hood.

"D-Dahyun?" Jeongyeon said with a shocked voice.
"Is it true... what they said on the news?" Jihyo asked.
I nodded.
"So you are the daughter of the CEOs." Jeongyeon continued. "Then is your name Yoon Mirae or Kim Dahyun?"

"My real name is Kim Dahyun, but my parents had to use a secret name so that we could be recognised by our other name, Yoon. They did this only for me, I wanted to live a normal life without anyone knowing who I was, I was living a lie myself. I didn't want anyone to like me because of my parents, I wanted people  to like me because of who I am." I explained throughly to them.

"We still like you for who you are, right?" Jihyo hugged me.
The other girls nodded and joined in with the hug.
There was a sudden knock on the door.
Nayeon told me to hid under the table, I listened carefully to what they said.

"Sorry to disturb you, but I'm here give this in." She sounded familiar.
"Don't worry Momo, I'm sure your theme won't be as bad." Jeongyeon said.
The door closed and I got up from the table.
"Was that Momo?" I asked.
"Yeah, you know her, she's new." Jihyo said whilst sorting the papers out.
"I kinda met her before she moved schools."
"That's what Chaeyoung meant, she said that we shouldn't mention you to Momo, why is that?" Nayeon questioned.

I explained to them that I was set up by Chaeyoung and had a date, meeting up with Sana and Tzuyu and ended up like this.
"You should leave before anyone sees that you're here." Jihyo suggested.
"Wait, I wanted to know what Momo chose as a theme."
Jeongyeon handed me the piece of paper, I thought it was a good idea.
"A Masquerade ball, that sounds really good." I said.
"I know right." Jeongyeon agreed.
"Masquerade sounds nice, let's do that." Nayeon spoke.
Jihyo nodded her head.
That was one thing that we can agree on.
"Go now!" Jihyo shouted and pointed at the door which I left.

I stood outside the school, just waiting for the last bell to ring, I wanted to see her.

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