Keep Fighting

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"What on earth did you do to that girl?" Cooper questioned, crossing his arms disapprovingly over his chest as he stared down at Bo. Shortly after seeing him storm out of Sage's office, he followed Bo until Bo collapsed outside, sprawling out on the ground. Cooper had waited for Bo to stop yelling curses at the world before approaching him to ask what had happened. "Liz said she could hear Sage crying through the door, and when she opened the door, Sage's computer laid shattered on the floor and files were scattered everywhere. Now, do you want to tell me what happened or do you want me to drop you in a cage with a lion?"

"I kissed her," Bo growled, rubbing his eyes wearily.

"That must have been one terrible kiss," Cooper chuckled, swearing as Bo sat up and punched his jaw, leaving him flat on his back in surprise. He'd never seen Bo this touchy or sensitive before. Figuring he deserved the swift punch, Cooper sat up, rubbing his jaw. "What else happened? I mean, unless you two were about to get a little too happy and start doing the oompa-loompa, that doesn't explain the broken computer and scattered paper."

"Oompa-loompa?" Bo repeated, confused with the context. "You could've made bed-squeaking noises, called it getting a little too happy, or just called it plain old having sex. Why in the world do I talk to you?"

At Cooper's hard gaze, Bo glanced away, picking at the grass and clovers near him. "We fought. Then, I backed her up against a bookshelf, I kissed her, and she pushed away. Afterwards, I stormed out, and now you're pretty much caught up."

"Oh, you are such a woman," Cooper sighed, shaking his head. "Ouch!"

Cooper rubbed his throbbing arm, surprised at the furious force behind Bo's fist.

"Watch it, or next time, it'll be your crotch," Bo warned, standing to his feet and brushing dirt off his jeans.

"Who punches somebody in the crotch?" Cooper questioned, blinking away streaks of sunlight as he stared up at his best friend. Bo's gaze shot back down to Cooper, fire burning madly inside the pools of blue. Cooper raised his hands in surrender. "It's just a question; I'm not teasing you. What did you fight about?"

"She was checking her email, and she read something that made her go whiter than a ghost. She said she was fine, wouldn't let me read it, then got really defensive when she inferred that I wanted to take care of pasts debts for her," Bo explained, twisting the stem of a flower through his fingers. It slipped through his fingers, and Bo watched as it drifted to the ground. "I hate women."

"No, you love women," Cooper corrected, standing to his feet and brushing his own dirt away. "Women, are the reason you have life. Women are mothers, they give birth to you, kiss your injuries, and give many pleasures."

"Do you ever think with your brain?" Bo demanded, slapping Cooper on the side of the head. "Sometimes they can be so cynical, and manipulative, and they won't let you do anything for them! They're too tempting for any man!" He kicked at the dirt for lack of anything better.

"They won't let men do anything for them," Cooper enunciated. "Women have been oppressed by men for so many years, that it's etched into their DNA not to let men do anything besides sleep with them and kill demon critters such as spiders, snakes, and miscellaneous bugs."

"Hey!" Liz called out, picking up her pace to catch up with the two men. She tucked her hands in her jacket pockets, fighting away the cold that nipped at her. When she caught up with them, her breath came out in small pants, a thin cloud appearing with each breath. "Sage said you guys can do the story if you want, but you'll have to come back later to start asking questions. She went home early after whatever happened, and the rest of us have agreed that she's the one that should be answering the questions. After all, she did buy this place, and she owns it."

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