Chapter 1

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" Excuse me? " I asked feeling really confused.

" I said I want you to be my fiancee. " He said equally as confident as the first time.

You would think he would at least ask. But he doesn't ask, because he is Alexander Walter. The man who has it all, wants it all and gets it all. Whatever or whomever he wants he gets it without even snapping his fingers.

I think it has something to do with his smoldering green eyes. That just seem to see right through your every fiber and being. But if your one of the " lucky " ones those eyes along with his hands will undress you before you even know it. Trust me when I say, you won't mind.

But it hasn't happen to me. I just seen him do it many many times. Apparently I'm the only woman on his radar who isn't on his radar.

Being 6'4 broad shoulders, dark hair that would seem a mess on anyone else but one him you can say it looks very very sexy. Not to mention being the CEO of your own company and having millions can attract the wrong women. But he doesn't care as long as he gets his daily hits.

If you know what I mean.

The most he spends on his daily conquests  is a dinner at an expensive restaurant and a necklace from Tiffany's. No it's not kindness it's what I call a 'Thank You' gift.

" Thank you for such a lovely night [ Insert Name Here ] but i'm afraid its not going to work out. Alexander Walter"

Reads every single box of Tiffany's. How would I know if it such a personal thing, because I have 200 of those cards ready do be put a name in the blank space where a name would be and a signature so it would be sent. I'm his PA it's my job to do all, see all and to be the occasional bodyguard when one of his one night stands can't accept the fact " they didn't work out."

I'm not a very good bodyguard because he has gotten his slaps here and there but you can bet your ass I can call one that can get the job done. Being 5'3 against his 5'8 models just doesn't seem fair. I'm not getting scratched at because of his dumbass behavior. But hey I've lasted four years which mean that I must be doing something right.

" No " I stated with equal confidence. 

The look on his face made me feel powerful. He covered up his shocked look fast but I already saw it.

" What do you mean no ?" He said in a low voice that would normally give my shivers but I didn't let if phase me this time.

"Well unless they've changed the definition of no and i didn't get the memo, no means I won't do it. " I said sarcastically. Normally he would smirk at my sarcastic response but he seemed to get pissed.

Slamming his fits into his desk, and standing at his towering height made me want to take it back.

" I don't have time for this Angel and it wasn't a question." He all but growled at me and I don't take orders which is ironic really when he's my boss but i'm pretty sure it's not in my contract to marry him.

" What the hell are you asking me to marry you for ?! " I yelled.

I wasn't worried about the other co-workers hearing me. A , We have our own floor and B , it's 9pm. We were going over some contracts like we've done before and then he sprung me with, in my opinion, a dumbass idea.

" The Millers they want to back out of the contract. You know how much we need that contract. Lots of people would lose their jobs without it. " He yelled.

He's never yelled at me before. I know how important this means to him. His parents going through being let go from their jobs a lot, he's made sure he never lets anyone go unless its necessary.

" But why? I thought every thing was going great. What does it have to do with me marrying you ?" I was back to being confused.

" We're not actually going to get married. " All he had to do was say duh at the end of his sentence .

" The Millers think i'm not stable. That if I can't have a relationship longer then a night why should they believe our professional relationship will last. I'm quoting Mrs.Miller when I say they don't " want to get screwed over " " He said sitting back down.

I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of a 64 year old woman saying that. I quickly stopped when I saw the look on his face.

" Didn't I tell you screwing around could screw you over. " I said jokingly just to get him to smile but nothing.

"No, too soon? " I say before a short silence fell on us.

"Why me ? " Was my last question.

"Why not ? " He shot back.

I shake my head. " Not a good enough answer. " I say raising an eyebrow.

He sighed and rubbed his face. He looked tired, I knew there was something keeping him up but I just assumed his latest conquest was catching up to him.

" You won't fall for me. Simple as that. I mean you've been with me for what four years and haven't tried to sexually assault me."

Just because I haven't done it doesn't mean I haven't thought of it.

" I know you won't go blabbing to the media that it's all complete bullshit. I'm happy to say I can sleep under the same roof as you and not risk having you sneak into my bed in the middle of the night. "


" That's good enough for me because it means I trust you . " He finished softly

He's doing it again. Using he's green eyes to get what he wants. Son of bitch thinks he has me. Not going to happen. Promised myself I wasn't going to fall for his bullshit since the day I met him. Dealt with his crap far to long. The answer is a big fat

" Yes "

Did I just .......
Thanks for reading. This is my first really story that i'm 100% confident I will finish. Please comment and vote. Honesty is welcomed ( No hate ) just criticism
One love <3

The Woman He Needs Me To Be [ ON HOLD/ REVISION ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora