Chapter 13: For my Loved One

Start from the beginning

"...Actually..." Megumi tried to explain. But her lungs weren't cooperating, and her complaints all ended being nothing but a soft whisper. She immediately gasped for air while trying to pull her mask back to her face. Both of her mothers didn't realize it, but they were pulling her mask off by stepping on the tube connecting the oxygen tank to her mask. "...Can't... breathe..." She tried to explain. But once again, she was ignored.

"This is all because of your stupid son!" Rin yelled. Akemi felt a vein popping at her forehead, so did Yahiro. "If your son cared for my precious Megumi-chan enough, all this could have been avoided!" And Yahiro felt a dark aura swallowing him. If only Rin knew about his thoughts against Megumi since the incident, the woman would surely try to kill him, his little game of flirt and run had reversed ever since the accident, and it helped him realize his mind was depraved enough with thoughts of seducing Megumi for real before luck took her away from him. Such was the impact left behind in his shattered heart and mind.

"Excuse me! No one calls my stupid son a stupid but me!" Akemi yelled back, Yahiro breathed out in annoyance, something Megumi couldn't do since the oxygen connecting the oxygen tank to her mask wasn't arriving anymore, something she felt like crying about. "And no matter how much I love your daughter, she is in fault as well for giving a lot of importance to a damn ring!" When hearing that last, Yahiro finally had enough. It wasn't the ring, he understood it after the incident, it was Megumi's way to treasure their relationship.

"Shut up!" Yelled Yahiro while turning around extremely pissed off because of the war between Rin and his mother. And while doing it so, he noticed Megumi gasping for air and both Akemi and Rin stepping with their knees at her oxygen tube while they stared at one another with hatred. "You two idiots!" He yelled and pushed them both out of Megumi's bed, finally allowing the tube to release the stored oxygen and Megumi to breathe out normally once again. "And you! If you can't breathe take the mask off! Your lungs are healed already! You just need the treatment for three hours a day!" He scolded, Megumi nodded.

"...Sorry..." She replied with teary eyes and blue lines of fear adorning her face. And once seeing her innocent and freaked out face, Yahiro's anger faded. He couldn't get mad at her anymore, not when the guilt of her health was still bugging him, and so, he faked a smile for her and then turned around to see Akemi and Rin, still at the floor and rubbing their butts.

"Visit time is over." He said and then pushed both of them out of the room moments before Ryuu arrived with slices of cake for everyone as well as some cups with tea. "Save mine for later!" He yelled, slammed the door, and left Ryuu confused and waiting outside while both Akemi and Rin yelled at the closed and locked door.

One Despicable Guy.

Chapter Thirteen: For my Loved One.

"You didn't have to hurt mom's feelings." Megumi began. "And I don't think Akemi is feeling any better." She continued while trying to untie her oxygen mask in order to breathe normally. Only she still hadn't regained full control of her fingers, and untying the mask was a hard task for her. The doctor took her bandages off just a week ago, but regaining full mobility would take her one more week, if not more due to her poor body condition. Upon noticing her struggling against her mask, Yahiro breathed out in annoyance, but only for a second before approaching her and untying it himself. "I could have done it." She began, but then faced away ashamed. "...You don't have to... worry about me all the time..."

"Of course I have to you idiot!" He yelled, and Megumi flinched at such behavior from her husband, but somehow he managed to calm down. It was then when Megumi understood there was something bothering him. "Just rest." He said while pushing her back to her pillow with a finger. After that was done, he walked back to his desk and continued writing down more financial strategies. "Ran out of paper." He mentioned. Megumi just lowered her head. Because of everything that had happened, it was inevitable for them both to share a room. But there weren't enough socket connectors around her room for Yahiro to work on his laptop, after all, they lived at an apartment building. No matter how fancy, the building was built under usual standards. And so, his financial research only lasted until the battery of his laptop dried off. He wouldn't leave Megumi's side though, not after what had happened, and she was glad, she loved Yahiro's concern about her, but she knew she was a burden to him, even if he didn't want to admit it.

One Despicable Guy by FriendlyMushroomWhere stories live. Discover now