When time flys.

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Hogswart was a home to everyone except Luke Greys, he always struggled with simple spells. Potions suited him more, name a potion and he could do it.
One day in Professor Flitwick's charm class he was asked to perform the basic spell 'lumos' (the light spell). "Lumos," repeated the Professor. "Wait wha- oh ok uhm Luros!" Luke bellowed while waving his wand frantically, BOOM! The ink bottle placed in front of him shot across the room and smashed on the baige wall creating yet another stain, Ariana sighed "Watch and learn, Lumos!" Said Ariana flicking her wand in a simple swishing motion with a strong light source suddenly omitting from the very tip of her wand,
"Bravo, Miss Myers. Look here everybody Miss Myers has performed a year 4 Lumos Charm!" Flitwick announced, Ariana smirked with her ego rising higher and higher.

Once they were back in their dorms Luke tried once again. "Lupo- nice shoes Tyler!" Luke exclaimed while his arm was around Ariana. Almost instantly lashes of  firey tentacles ascend from the fireplace, Arianna saw this from the corner of her eye. She screamed causing people to look at her and then what she was pointing at soon everyone was screaming, they panicked and one ran to get Professor McGonagall. Soon they all ran to get her, no matter how hard they tried Luke and Ariana weren't allowed to leave the room, the fire tentacles blocked it, they tried harder and harder they couldn't escape they screamed and screamed. Suddenly, the fire pulled them in it didn't burn them but it only pulled them closer and closer to death. Arianna searched her robes for her wand, she found it and seconds after, she had she pointed it at the fire and yelled, "AQUA-MENTO!" Jets of water gushed out of the wand and into the fire, it only made their doom quicker. The tentacles were hurt by the water but the fire didn't die. They pulled the defenceless duo closer to their death. McGonagall flung open the door "Oh my lord, the fire of time- BOMBARDA!" The fire imploded freeing them, they were safe. But every time Harry Potter killed a villan a new one popped up, every time he beat an obstacle a new one suddenly came, he was never really safe and neither were they...

After dinner the next day when they were leaving the Great Hall, the floating candles got Bewitched. They fell down to the ground but then started frantically spinning all around Ariana and Luke the smoke from the candles became a mini tornado causing them to not see what was outside of the smoke and no one could see what was inside of the smoke. Ariana and Luke could here spells being cast the spells didn't work. Soon the smoke started to evaporate but then so did they "FEED MY CAT SALEM!" bellowed Ariana. Once the smoke and the duo were gone the candles floated back up to the ceiling. The last time there was a magic tornado someone got sucked into a place called Oz but this isn't that type of story, this isn't the story of Dorothy. The real question is where did they go, or even when...

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