The Town

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They were no longer in Hogswarts, or even 2018 for that matter, they were in an old town, to Luke and Ariana's surprise they were in an old version of the hometown which was influenced by the Witch Hunters of Salem..
They suddenly realised where and when they were, they were in the town of Salem the home to Witch Trials.

"Ari, what have we done?" Luke asked in shock

As it was currently night they didn't see what was coming, "Ello, is y' knew 'ere?" Asked the shadowed figure "
What year is this?" Ariana asked in shock.
"1498, why ma'am?" He questioned
Ariana said in a flash "Petrificus Totalas" the man froze, Ariana dissapperated.
Luke kicked Ariana in horror and anger, "How could you do this to me?!" He cried.
Ariana stormed off, Luke pulled out his wand. "Lumos!" His wand dimly lit, "Lumos, maxima!" Luke's wand glowed brightly, he covered his eyes due to the stinging brightness. He led himself through the dusty town, he came across a clothing store. "Alohamora, this'll do the trick!" The locked door swung open and he granted himself access, he dressed himself in that era's clothes, he did the same with the bank and then bought an inn room.

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