02: Beginning

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THIS wasn't how Baekhyun had imagined his first day to be. No, definitely not. — He had imagined waking up with a light smile glued on his lips, his body filled with a heap of new, unknown energy while his eyes would ingest all the colors and surroundings crossing them.

What he didn't expect was to literally hug a stranger in the bus nor getting soaked in water by a passing bus . This wasn't how he planned things to be, yet here he was. — In front of the boy's toilet's mirror, trying to dry the water stains on his baby pink hoodie.

What a first day.

And school hadn't really started yet.

A chuckle left his lips, his eyes fixed at his own reflection. It had been an hour and I was already done with his nerves.

He let his hand fall, clenching the tissue in his palm tightly while his thoughts, suddenly, without a warning, started to creep to the boy he had seen yesterday. The boy who had probably seen him yesterday?

He couldn't stop thinking about this way too attractive boy. His features, those light brown strands hovering on his head like a halo and this dangerous body.

Oh god, Baekhyun. What are you even talking about?

And how did all of this occur anyway?

1 hour ago

Tenderly, oh so, tenderly the sun's light met his features, lighting them up before providing him with an incredible, comforting heat all over his skin. He couldn't say why but an inner voice was filling him with warmth, assuring him that his life was about to change. It was whispering sweet comforts into his sensitive ears and wrapping its arms around his tender, yet chilling skin.

The night was weirdly quiet. Too quiet.

No cars passing by, no footsteps, no rain and certainly no sobs echoing through the walls. It was like all the negativity he used to know was pulled from his life, hidden behind a thick wall. — It was like the universe wanted them to finally move on.


A smile grew on his face, his eyes fluttering open in a slow speed as the piercing sound of his alarm began to penetrate his ears. Perfect timing. The smile grew, amused of the fact that old habits didn't seem to change. He was still waking up by reflex right before his alarm would go off.

But maybe some certain things were supposed the stay the way they used to be.

A warm, comforting smile appeared on the corner of his lips, his body being pushed up by an overwhelming energy. The very first day of the beginning of my new life. A better, carefree one.

He headed towards his wardrobe with an inner peace he hadn't felt for a while now, inspecting himself in the glass of its mirror. "Everything will be better from now on," Baekhyun whispered as a wide smile was reflected in the mirror.

"You can do it Baekhyun." 

And with that the time passed quicker than expected. In a rush he had already dressed, eaten and was now stuck in the awful smelling school bus. The bus' smell was way too familiar. An overwhelming, pungent smell creeping its way through his nostrils into his mind leading him into an ecstasy-like state. It's disgusting. A mix of sweat and rottenness filled the entire bus and almost made him vomit right here, but he held back, focusing on the ground, trying to not only escape the smell but also the voices which kept entering his head, again and again. It was pounding in his head, constantly, providing him with a throbbing headache.

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