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       Sorry readers  have been busy lately but I did'nt want to leave a cliffhanger before Ramadan , you know Ramadddaaaan is coming in sha Allah maybe day after tomorrow :) n yup I've been busy with an interview for booklovers_talk , do check our collab account out on wattpad, the president is wittycraze , booklovers_talk is an interview collab account which interviews authors of all criteria either famous - to be famous  so that we can bring to readers more knowledge about their authors , there is a book called booklovers_party  which is all about the club members check it out , the first interview is by wittycraze of firelightt , I know you will love it, n there are gonna be many more amazing interviews including the author of the deliquent and the hijabi, follow booklovers_talk for the newsfeed the interviews  may be published this week so hang on !

        The imp news is u won't be getting any  updates on any of my books for one month I'm putting my writing on hold during ramadan , sorry :)


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