Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

* * Zizi's POV * *

I got my books from my locker, I saw Harry walking toward me. I closed my locker quickly so I wouldn't have to talk to him.
"Hey beautiful" he walked next to me.
"Don't call me like that" I though it was a nice compliment but I just hated when guys were such a flirt.
I saw Liam walking toward me now, this day could of not gone more worst. I turned around so I could get rid of Harry and run away from Liam. I didn't want to see him since yesterday's night.
"Zizi, wait up" I heard Liam calling from behind.
I just ignore him and kept walking, if he wanted to talk to me he will have to wait later. I entered my first period class, I saw that Zayn was already sitting on his desk. I decided to go talk to him, as I sat down I placed my head on the desk.
"Someone's tired" he chuckled.
"Yeah" I said irritated. "I am mad at Liam"
"Why?" He continued drawing, I told him the whole story. He just sat there not saying anything, which I didn't care as longest I took out my anger. "Don't worry" he finally said. "He will apologize"
I breathed out, I knew Liam felt bad because he had never treated me like that. I sat there for awhile thinking about Liam. When Rose sat in front of me, I knew she was going to talk to me about Louis. So when she talked away, I just spaced out, I smile and nodded every time she will ask me something. I pretend to listen to her problems with my brother which I didn't give a shit because I had my own problems with my boyfriend!!

The day seem to go pretty slow, I was now sitting next to Harry in my science class. He laughed every time he will get a text from somebody. He was being rude, I was trying to learn in here and all I could hear was him chuckling. I finally yanked his phone out of his hand.
"Hey!" He whispered angrily. "Give me back my phone!"
"I'll give it to you by the end of class" I continued copying the notes from the board.
"Handed it over!" He took away my pencil.
"Well stop texting and get some work done!" I tried taking my pencil away from him.
Zayn just laughed at us because he said we both looked like little kids arguing. Harry then took my backpack. "Give me back my phone and I'll give you back your stuff" he smiled evilly.
I pretended to give it to him when I quickly snatched my backpack from him, I smiled at my accomplishment. I placed my stuff next to Zayn's chair so he wouldn't reach.
"To slow" I whispered with a grin on my face.
He grabbed my hand and started fighting for the phone. I gripped the phone on my hand so tight that my knuckles were turning white. He then started tickling me, I try so hard to hold my laugh, I jumped out of my chair and out nowhere he grabbed my butt. I was shocked, why the hell did he touch my butt?! As I looked at him, I saw him holding my cellphone, he raised his eyebrow.
"Harry and Zizi, can you guys step outside?" I heard Mr. Finn said.
Great now I was in trouble, we walked out of the classroom. Harry just smiled like an idiot. I gave him back his phone for surrender, he opened his hand for me to grab my phone but as I was about to get it. He close it rapidly, he grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. I tried pulling away but he was so strong. I kept fighting him until he pushed me against the wall. Our faces were only inches away, he slowly got close and leaned his head against my neck. I could feel his hot breath, I just stood there froze.
"I know you want me" He whispered in my ear, that it send shivers all over my back.
He quickly stepped back when Mr. Finn opened the door and came out. He looked at us disappointed, we knew what he was going to talk to us about. We were making noise while he was talking and we disrupted his class. Well just to cut his speech I apologized to him, I knew I was being rude in class and I understood.

We ate lunch, Harry just stared and grinned at me. I wanted to hit him, why did he think I want him?! I have Liam, I don't need a guy like Harry.
Zayn told Louis and Niall about me and Harry getting in trouble. They looked at me with a disappointed face. I thought it was funny since they acted like parents. As we talked, Rose interrupted and sat on Louis's lap. We all cleared our throats and continued eating. But then I saw Liam approaching our table, I hoped he didn't see me!! I looked at my plate, I didn't want to talk to him right now.
"Hey lads" he smiled.
"Hey Liam" everyone said, except me.
Zayn kicked me under the table, I gave him a cold stare. He nodded his head for me to talk to him. Now everyone knew what was going on, I didn't want to look at Liam.
"Do you guys mind if I steal Zizi for a minute?" Liam asked sweetly.
I wished that Zayn would tell him that we were going to the library or something but he did the opposite. "Sure" he smiled and the boys all nodded.
I grabbed my tray and threw my food, me and Liam walked around the school until we sat on the outside stairs.
"Zizi, I am sorry for being suck a jerk" he pleaded, I didn't response. "Can you forgive me?!"
He pleaded once again and caressed my cheek, I could tell he was really sorry. I looked into his dark brown eyes. I couldn't help but smile.
"Your smiling at me!" He smile in relief.
"Yeah because you are such a dummy" I giggled.
"I know but I am your dummy" he pouted.
"Yes you are" I pecked him on the lips.
"So does this mean were are okay?" He held my hand.
"Yeah" I said, he threw his arm around me and kissed me on the head.
"You are the best"
"I know"I said, as we both laughed. I knew I couldn't stay mad at him for a long time.

I walked back to the science club, I saw Dani and Zayn trying to work on their experiment. But to me it seem more like flirting, they just kept giggling at the silliest faces they would make. I walked back to my lab, Harry walked toward me as I worked on my experiment. He leaned against my desk and just watched me. I was feeling nervous that my hands were shaking.
"Too much" he finally talked.
"Don't you have something else to do rather than watching me!" I continued mixing the chemicals.
"Nope" he stared at me. "You might want to re-do that"
He pointed at the chemicals I was doing, I just ignore him. When I finally added my last step. Smoke and liquid started coming out like crazy, I got scared that I didn't know what to do. Harry grabbed the towels and placed them under the floor so it wouldn't get messy. When it finally stopped reacting, I sighted.
"You see, you should of listen to me" Harry grinned and walked away.
I got to admit he was right but he was so annoying. I hated his guts. Why was he annoying me?!!! I want to ripped that beautiful face especially that cocky smile!!
After that I walked home with Zayn, he wanted to know what happen with Liam. I told him that I was talking to him. Zayn clapped and hugged me.
"You see things got better" he walked backwards like a little kid. "Oh hi Harry!"
No!! I didn't want Harry to walk with us, I already had enough of him for this day, he walked next to me, he just kicked rocks.
"So what are you going to do with Liam tonight?" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows.
"I don't know" I giggled. "He will text me later"
For the whole walk, Zayn just kept skipping, I wonder why he was so happy? I had never seen him like that unless he liked a girl. No it couldn't be, last time his relationship was bad. He was totally heart broken and felt insecure about himself the whole time. We finally arrived to my house, Zayn crossed the street and waved at me and Harry goodbye.
"So do you live near?" I asked.
"Yeah a couple of houses down" he said, as he kept walking.
"Okay, bye" I said, he waved goodbye.
I saw him walking, he looked sad and worried, I wonder if something was bothering. But I knew he will never open up, he looked like a guy that will never talk to anyone about his life. Why was I know caring for him?! I just shrugged and entered my house.

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