Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

* * Zizi's P.O.V * *

In the morning, Zayn and I were sitting under a tree, doing our extra credit problems. When all of a sudden my thoughts got interrupted by a loud motorcycle engine, we both looked up. What kind of idiot makes a lot of noise?! We couldn't see who it was but we were guessing it was he. The stranger got off his motorcycle and walked inside the school. The bell rang so we had to keep going, in first period Rose kept bragging about Louis to her friends. I just ignored her and continued working on my classwork, until the bell rang. Zayn and I felt so relieve. We walked to Mr. Finn's class, Zayn and I talked until the teacher demanded for our attention.

"Hello class, today we have a new student. He is also new in town."

He was wearing a bandanna on his head which made his curly hair stay back, and his green eyes really stood out. They were the most beautiful color eyes I have ever seen of course Niall had some amazing eyes too. The new kid didn't look that bad maybe he will have a lot of girls behind him.

"Okay he is also a freshmen so I guess we have three freshmen in here now." Damn that's cool he is also smart, maybe he will join the science club.

"What's your name?" Mr Finn asked him.

"Harry Styles" he said in a husky voice.

"Okay, Mr. Styles why don't you sit in the corner of that table?" He pointed next to me. He nodded in agreement.

Zayn had been watching me for the whole time that a big grin spread on his face. I just ignored him, as the new kid sat next to me.

"Hey mate, my name is Zayn"

"Hi, nice meeting you" he shook Zayn's hand.

"And this is my friend Zizi" Zayn introduced me because I couldn't manage to let a single word out. I don't know why?

"Nice meeting you" he shook my hand.

"Yeah" I finally talked. "We are also freshmen, do you like science too?"

"Well I actually don't like it but it's like whatever. I think I just scored high on the science test so I guess they gave me this class."

For the rest of the class, the new kid didn't seem bad but he was really unprepared. He asked me and Zayn for a piece of paper and a pencil. But I guess it was cool since it was his first day of school.

The next day, he was still unprepared, it was unbelievable. I felt irritated by him, not only because of that but because he mostly feel asleep during class. I try to cut him some slack but I just couldn't.

"Today, we are having a meeting" Zayn said, as he bit his sandwich.

"Hey" Louis and Niall sat next to us.

"Hey guys" Liam joined us. "Hey babe"

"Hey" I smiled as he sat next to me

We all talked about how our day was going. The boys just kept complaining how their teachers were so boring and they gave a lot of homework. As we ate, we started hearing people screaming and cooing.

"Liam it's Matt!" the girl said scared, I immediately recognize her. She was Brittany, another bitch from my old school.

Liam ran, we decided to go check out the fuzz, there was a whole crowd of people watching. Liam ran through the crowd, we couldn't manage to see so we went more inside the crowd.

"Isn't that Harry?" Zayn asked, I nodded.

They were throwing punches at each other, Harry just kept punching him until they were both on the ground.

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